Latest DARM operation

2023-24 summer disasters – three-month follow-up of damaged properties

Queensland Reconstruction Authority officers assessed properties in Far North Queensland, north Queensland and the south-east between 15 April and 3 May 2024, conducting Damage Assessment and Reconstruction Monitoring (DARM) of homes and businesses still damaged following recent summer disaster events.

This included properties impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclones Jasper and Kirrily, and the SEQ Christmas storms, with almost 3,000 homes and businesses visited during the operation.

Monday 15 April - Friday 19 April, Far North Queensland (Tropical Cyclone Jasper)
Properties visited: 1,769
LGAs: Cairns, Cassowary Coast, Cook, Douglas, Mareeba, Wujal Wujal

Monday 29 April - Friday 3 May, south-east Queensland (SEQ Christmas storms)
Properties visited: 963
LGAs: Gold Coast, Logan, Scenic Rim

Monday 29 April - Friday 3 May, north/south Queensland (Tropical Cyclone Kirrily)
Properties visited: 243
LGAs: Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Moreton Bay, Townsville, Western Downs

QRA officers collected information on property damage, progress of repairs, insurance matters, and residents’ ability to access financial and personal support where required.

This information has been shared with councils, relevant state and federal agencies, and other stakeholders to improve their understanding of the recovery needs and priorities of impacted Queenslanders and Queensland communities.

This was the first follow-up DARM operation carried out by QRA since initial damage assessments were conducted by QFES and QRA in the immediate aftermath of the disasters. 

If residents were unavailable, a calling card with QRA contact details and instructions was left in the letterbox or another appropriate place.

Residents who require additional assistance or support should phone the Queensland Government Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349.

Residents with insurance concerns should contact their insurer. If they cannot resolve the issues directly with their insurer they can lodge a dispute with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (

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