Community Development - $12 million


The Community Development Program embeds Community Recovery and Resilience Officers across eligible local government areas to:

  • Undertake widespread community engagement activities to discuss the recovery process and to identify the needs and aspirations of diverse groups within the affected area
  • Support the development of capacity and skills of individuals and groups, businesses and service providers within the affected areas
  • Support the development of recovery and resilience plans for the affected areas
  • Assist community groups to develop their capacity to submit recovery and/or resilience project proposals under the Flexible Funding Grants program
  • Promote disaster recovery and resilience information
  • Engage with other key workers involved in community recovery at a local level and establishing improved connections with local government

Community Recovery and Resilience Officers will operate in the 16 LGAs activated for Personal Hardship Assistance Scheme funding following the Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, and Southern Queensland Flooding events.


This program is currently underway.

Administering agency

Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts (DTATSIPCA)

Funding acknowledgement

Jointly funded (50:50) by the Queensland and Australian Governments under Category C of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).