Our work

The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) is the lead agency responsible for disaster recovery and resilience in Queensland. 

Our vision

Stronger, safer and more resilient Queensland communities.

Our purpose

Coordinate action to improve the resilience of Queensland communities and facilitate locally led disaster recovery.

What we do

QRA is charged with managing and coordinating the Queensland Government’s program of infrastructure renewal and recovery within disaster‐affected communities, with a focus on working with our state and local government partners to deliver best practice administration of public reconstruction and resilience funds.

QRA is the state’s lead agency responsible for disaster recovery, resilience and mitigation policy. In this role, QRA works collaboratively with other agencies and key stakeholders to reduce risk and bolster disaster preparedness. QRA leads initiatives and activities to assist government, businesses and the wider community mitigate risks and prepare for disasters. 

Our organisational objectives are:

  • rebuilding, recovering and reconnecting disaster affected communities
  • building capacity in recovery and resilience through expert leadership and partnerships
  • getting ready, reducing risk and building resilience.

Our contribution 

The following table outlines how QRA contributes to the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.

Queensland Government's objectives for the community   How QRA contributes  
Good jobs
Good, secure jobs in our traditional and emerging industries
Keeping Queenslanders safe by getting ready, reducing risk and building resilience
Better services
Deliver even better services right across Queensland
Building Queensland by building capacity in recovery and resilience through expert leadership and partnerships
Great lifestyle
Protect and enhance our Queensland lifestyle as we grow
Supporting jobs by rebuilding, recovery and reconnecting disaster communities

Brochure: About the Queensland Reconstruction Authority

Showcasing our work

Community recovery workers
QRA is the lead agency responsible for disaster recovery in Queensland and coordinates a number of key recovery activities.
QRA manages and coordinates Queensland’s program of recovery and reconstruction funding within disaster-impacted communities.
FWIN north west
QRA is the lead agency responsible for disaster resilience policy in Queensland and manages a number of resilience projects.
strategic plan
Our vision is 'Stronger, safer, resilient Queensland communities'. Find out about our purpose, strategies, outcomes and key performance indicators.
Johnathan Thurston addressing media at the Get Ready Queensland Week launch
QRA's latest case studies and key projects, news, social media and media statements.
REDI map
QRA's publications including fact sheets and guides, plans policies, strategies and maps.