The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) is the state’s lead agency responsible for disaster recovery and resilience policy. Building resilience is a key priority to ensure Queenslanders are better prepared for disaster, and better equipped to bounce back following a disaster.
The Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience 2022-27 (QSDR) promotes a systems approach to resilience that connects with a range of agencies and sectors to deliver improved outcomes for Queensland.
Learn about the QRA responsibilities leading state-level hazard and risk functions, including current status, transition arrangements, future directions, and FAQs.
By 2022, every region across Queensland will be part of a locally-led and regionally-coordinated blueprint to strengthen disaster resilience. Project updates are available for the 14 Queensland regions.
The Queensland Government is committed to strengthening disaster resilience so our communities are better equipped to deal with the increasing prevalence of natural disasters. Learn about our current and completed commitments under the United Nations Sendai Framework.
Learn how the QRA, in partnership with agencies and local governments, has implemented flood management plans, resilience strategies, flood risk, flood warning and flood communication initiatives to explore new ways to work together to improve safety, build resilience, and minimise the impacts of floodwaters.
Resilient infrastructure plays a critical role in supporting communities to withstand, respond to, and recover from natural disasters. Planning for resilient infrastructure has the potential to significantly reduce disaster costs.
Building guidance for Queensland homes - improving how we prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.
Links to state, national and global resilience strategies and policies, a resilience library, glossary, collaboration guide, and communication toolkits.
A year round, all hazards, resilience building initiative coordinated by the QRA to help Queenslanders and Queensland communities prepare for natural disasters.
Celebrating and promoting initiatives that build whole of community resilience to disasters and emergencies around Australia, as well as images capturing resilience in action.