Regional Resilience Strategies
The Queensland Government is committed to strengthening disaster resilience so our communities are better equipped to deal with the increasing prevalence of natural disasters. Queensland’s suite of Regional Resilience Strategies ensure every region across Queensland is now part of a locally-led, regionally-coordinated and state-facilitated blueprint to strengthen disaster resilience.
Every community is different, so these strategies have used a co-design process and place-based approach to recognise communities are best placed to understand and identify their needs, and to reflect local communities working together and sharing local knowledge to address local risks.
This program of work has been delivered as a commitment under the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Sendai Framework.
A commitment under the UNDRR Sendai Framework
Delivery of Regional Resilience Strategies in Queensland has been completed as a commitment under the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Sendai Framework.

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Local Resilience Action Plans
All councils that participated in the co-design process now have a Local Resilience Action Plan providing a clear forward plan for how we can make lasting change into the future through sustained investment in resilience and mitigation activities. Statewide more than 4400 local resilience actions have been identified. Local Resilience Action Plans aim to support councils to be as proactive as possible to describe their local resilience needs, and to build a forward program of effort that can be matched to funding opportunities over time as they emerge.
(QRA Reference: CM GF/71424)
Interactive map
Explore Queensland's 14 Resilience Regions using the interactive map to see how the actions identified in the Local Resilience Action Plans align with the four objectives of the Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience and the lines of resilience. Click to view map as full screen.
Media statements

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Program background
As background to the Regional Resilience Strategies program, in 2019-2020 four pilot projects delivered regional resilience strategies for the Burnett, Mary, Fitzroy and Central West regions. The locally-led, regionally coordinated and state facilitated approach acknowledged communities working together are best placed to understand and identify and address their needs by sharing local knowledge to address local disaster risks. Following the successful delivery of these four pilot projects, the commitment was made that by 2022, every region across Queensland will be part of a locally-led and regionally-coordinated blueprint to strengthen disaster resilience with a multi-hazard approach.