Event specific (exceptional circumstances) assistance
Of the four categories of assistance available under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA), two categories – Category C and Category D – offer exceptional circumstances assistance for severely affected communities following disaster events.
Category C
Assistance for severely affected communities, regions or sectors includes recovery grants for small businesses and primary producers and/or the establishment of a Community Recovery Fund.
Category C assistance is only made available when the impact of a disaster is severe. It is intended to be in addition to assistance under Categories A and B and is usually considered once the impacts of the disaster on affected communities have been assessed.
Category D
Exceptional circumstances assistance beyond Categories A, B and C.
Category D assistance is generally considered once the impact of the disaster has been assessed and specific recovery gaps identified.
Category C&D activation process and request form
Current exceptional circumstances packages
The 2025 North and Far North Tropical Low recovery operation includes a suite of exceptional circumstances funding packages has been developed to support communities, families, small businesses, primary producers and not-for-profit organisations severely impacted by the North and Far North Tropical Low, commencing 29 January 2025 event.
Jointly funded DRFA exceptional circumstances package to support recovery from the South Queensland Severe Storms for the tourism industry, farmers, small businesses and not-for-profits.
Jointly funded DRFA exceptional circumstances package to support recovery from TC Jasper for Far North Queensland's tourism industry, farmers, small businesses and not-for-profits.
Jointly funded DRFA exceptional circumstances package to support recovery from the 2023 Southern Queensland Bushfires.
Jointly funded DRFA exceptional circumstances package to support recovery from the 2023 Northern Queensland Bushfires.
2022-23 Northern and Central Queensland Monsoon and Flooding
DRFA Category C and D package
Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth and South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding events
Previous exceptional circumstances packages
$58.57 million jointly funded DRFA Category C & D package for the 2019 Queensland Bushfires
$242 million jointly funded DRFA Category C & D package for the 2019 North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough 2019
$12 million jointly funded DRFA Category C for the 2018 Central Queensland Bushfires