Recovery resources for practitioners
Recovery hub
Queensland Recovery Plan; Disaster Recovery Arrangements; Functional Recovery Groups, the State Recovery Policy and Planning Coordinator; and State Recovery Coordinators.
QRA provides a regional liaison service with Regional Liaison Officers (RLOs) and a recovery liaison service with Recovery Officers (ROs) for each local government, and relevant state agencies.
Effective recovery requires collaboration between local, state and federal government, community and non-government agencies in consultation with impacted communities.
Up-to-date information on everything you need to know including evacuation centre openings and locations, river heights, road conditions and closures, power and phone outages.
Useful recovery definitions and links to definition resources for recovery practitioners.
Queensland Government's disaster recovery website is a central source of information for Queenslanders recovering from disaster.
Recovery templates for councils and practitioners to support planning for recovery.
‘FLOOD-EX21 Recovery in practice’ brought more than 100 leaders including council representatives and recovery experts from local, state and federal agencies together to exercise and demonstrate recovery planning for an extraordinary Brisbane River flood scenario.
This video describes our roles across the recovery journey before and after a natural disaster.
This video describes the steps required to prepare before a natural disaster, and develop an event-specific recovery plan for your community following a disaster.
Throughout the recovery process, it is important to capture and share stories of recovery, good practice and resilience from impacted communities.
Birdie’s Tree resources support the mental health and resilience of expectant and new parents, babies and young children through natural disasters and disruptive events.
Useful links to recovery related agencies and useful resources interstate, national and around the world.