Get Ready Queensland funding for councils

About Get Ready Queensland

Get Ready Queensland is about building our resilience to deal with the extreme weather and natural disasters that are part of living in our state. Its aim is to make Queensland the nation’s most disaster resilient state.

Resilience is about more than just good preparation or effective responding. It is about accepting that extreme weather is part of living in Queensland, and preparing to handle it accordingly.

Funding program for councils

The Get Ready Queensland funding program provides a total of $2 million in Queensland Government funding to help local governments improve their communities’ resilience.

2024-25 funding program  

Each council in Queensland will receive funding to use in 2024-25 on locally-led resilience building projects. The approved funding amounts is based on the local government area population. 

The Get Ready Queensland 2024-25 Grants Guidelines (external link to PDF) outline the purpose of the funding and eligible expenditure options for councils and provide a program overview and information about eligibility, desired outcomes and funding conditions.

2023-24 acquittals checklist

All claimed Get Ready Queensland expenditure for the 2023-24 program must be submitted to QRA by 30 September 2024

When preparing your acquittal, the following should be attached as supporting documents on your email:

  • signed Certificate of Expenditure
  • examples of completed activities funded (e.g. event photos, collateral, videos)
  • detailed transaction general ledger report.

Please email acquittal documents to

More information

For queries about the funding program for councils:

Get Ready Queensland - Website

Get Ready Queensland - Council Hub

Administering agency

The Queensland Reconstruction Authority is the administering agency for the Get Ready Queensland program. The program aligns with QRA’s role and vision for 'stronger, safer, resilient Queensland communities'.

In August 2017, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) assumed administrative responsibility for the Get Ready Queensland grant program from the (then) Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DILGP).

Contact the Get Ready Queensland team
