Captain Creek meet and greet

The Captain Creek Rural Fire Brigade arranged an emergency services meet and greet for the Captain Creek community. Approximately 100 residents from Captain Creek and surrounding area attended. All emergency services were represented, along with QPWSP, wildlife carers, Gladstone Regional Council councillors and Wide Bay mental health clinicians.

Each agency was given the opportunity to talk to the group about their role in an event and what they require from the community to ensure they are as prepared as possible for a disaster. This included the Rural Fire Service and Ambulance Service outlining the specific access requirements a property must meet to ensure they can gain entry to a property.

Council’s disaster management team used the opportunity to explain the different media sources the community can access for information before, during and after an event. The importance of planning for prescription medication needs and caring for your pets in an event were also discussed. Community members were given the opportunity to ask questions of each agency.

The day received resounding positive feedback, with all in attendance agreeing it was a great success. Council’s disaster management team is now liaising with emergency service representatives in other parts of the region to see if similar sessions can be rolled out throughout other townships within the Gladstone region.