$170 million for Betterment in Queensland

The Australian and Queensland Governments are providing $170 million in Betterment funding to build essential public infrastructure damaged in the 2021-22 disaster season to a more resilient standard.

The Betterment Fund will be jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments and is being administered by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.

This $170 million available in Betterment funding is the largest ever made available in a single disaster season in Queensland with $150 million directly targeting local government areas seeking to build back better following the extraordinary flooding events of 2021-22.

Eligible applicants within local government areas impacted by the Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding; Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth Flooding; and the South East Queensland Heavy Rainfall and Flooding can apply for projects from the $150 million funding to improve the resilience of essential public assets that were damaged as a direct result of those floods.

A further $20 million made available through DRFA efficiencies is available in all 66 local government areas activated for disaster funding following the nine disasters that impacted Queensland during the 2021-22 disaster season.

The Betterment Fund will increase the resilience of vulnerable assets, helping communities maintain their connectedness and reduce hardship during and after disaster events in the future.

The funding will allow applicable councils and state agencies to improve key assets such as causeways, culverts, roads and bridges to better withstand the impacts of natural disasters.

The Betterment Fund is a great example of all levels of government working together to improve the resilience of our communities.

Councils and state agencies can apply for the $170 million Betterment funding in response to the 2021-22 season at www.qra.qld.gov.au/betterment/2021-22-betterment-fund.