Exceptional circumstances disaster assistance for ongoing recovery in SEQ and FNQ

More assistance for Queensland communities impacted by severe weather in December has been made available by the Australian and Queensland Governments.

Approximately $50 million in new funding will be directed towards Far North and south-east Queensland following ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper and the SEQ Christmas storms.

A $20 million Clean-Up Program will boost the ongoing recovery efforts of impacted councils, and state agencies, as they continue to remove significant debris from community assets, parks, beaches and waterways.

More than $24 million will be invested through a Tourism Recovery and Resilience Program that offers grants to Far North Queensland operators who have been cut-off or heavily affected by the extreme weather.

There’s $10 million allocated from the tourism program for severely impacted operators to put towards rebuilding with flood-resilient and mitigation infrastructure.

Meanwhile, a $3 million tourism marketing campaign will promote the region to visitors and fund events that showcase everything great about the tropical north.

Cyclone Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers will be employed by the state, with $2.25 million to fund multiple positions to support primary producers impacted by ex-TC Jasper with their immediate and long-term recovery.

A further $1 million will be shared across the councils of Douglas, Wujal Wujal and Scenic Rim to appoint Recovery Project Managers who will coordinate the complex and specific relief and recovery requirements for those communities.

Local Recovery and Resilience Grants of $1 million will go to each of the hardest hit SEQ councils, Gold Coast, Logan and Scenic Rim, for local recovery initiatives, disaster relief and future resilience.

Eligible primary producers, small businesses and not-for-profits from the Gold Coast, Logan and Scenic Rim can now also apply for Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants up to $75,000 for producers and up to $50,000 for businesses and NFPs.

Additionally, a range of already announced financial measures for impacted residents, businesses and councils remains available, including Personal Hardship Assistance grants for residents and Disaster Assistance Loans for businesses.

All this assistance is jointly funded through Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Information on eligibility and how to apply for Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants is available at www.qrida.qld.gov.au or by calling QRIDA on 1800 623 946.

Queenslanders in need of personal disaster assistance can phone the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349 or visit www.qld.gov.au/disasterhelp.