Repeat Events and Dollars Index application
The Repeat Events and Dollars Index (REDI) is a web-based interactive mapping application developed to help Queensland councils better understand their risk, costs and repeat damage from natural disaster events.
The REDI application uses data to provide a calculation that considers repeat damage from natural disasters. This data is represented in a ‘heat map’ that identifies and highlights the most frequent and most costly damage sites. The application helps councils identify priority works and make informed decisions when it comes to future investment in stronger and more resilient infrastructure.
To develop REDI, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) collected geo-coded data on infrastructure damage following eligible disaster events as defined by the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements and the former Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements. QRA has mapped almost 10 years of damage data including $5.5 billion of reconstruction costs.
For detailed information on REDI and how to use it, please refer to the REDI Storymap below.
Each council has its own unique log in so they can access their own REDI data, the information is not shared between other councils.
Access to the REDI application

More information
For any questions about the REDI application please email