Economic Functional Recovery and Resilience Group

About the Economic FRRG

The effects of a disaster on the economic environment can be classified in terms of direct and indirect impacts. The tangible impacts can usually be given a monetary value and may include loss of tourism, employment opportunities and reduction in cash flow for businesses.

The Economic Functional Recovery and Resilience Group (FRRG) advises the Queensland Government on the economic impacts of disaster events such as cyclones, bushfires and major flooding events. It also provides information on the needs of local government and industry in responding to the events and getting the economy back to full production.

The FRRG functions and membership are currently under review with the establishment of new Terms of References to reflect the extended function to include resilience. The new functions and membership will be updated accordingly in the Queensland Recovery Plan through its upcoming review. 

Lead agency

Department of State Development and Infrastructure (DSDI)

The Economic FRRG is chaired by the Director-General of the DSDI.


Membership of the group varies from disaster to disaster, but typically includes representatives from relevant peak bodies and industry groups, affected local governments and Australian and Queensland government representatives from economic agencies:

  • AgForce Queensland
  • Aurizon
  • Australian Bankers Association
  • Australian Industry Group
  • Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) Australia
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland
  • Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
  • Department of Jobs and Small Business (Australian Government)
  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
  • Department of Resources
  • Department of State Development and Infrastructure
  • Department of Tourism and Sport
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • Energy Queensland
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants
  • Insurance Council
  • Local Government Association of Queensland
  • National Retail Association
  • Optus
  • Queensland Bulk Ports
  • Queensland Farmers Federation
  • Queensland Police Service
  • Queensland Reconstruction Authority
  • Queensland Resources Council
  • Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority
  • Queensland Tourism Industry Council
  • Queensland Treasury
  • Queensland Trucking Association
  • Telstra
  • Tourism and Events Queensland.

Source: Queensland Recovery Plan - Annexure C.

Last updated: 11 July 2024. QRA Reference: DOC/24/34765.