Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) - Funding for councils (2021-22)


The $26.05 million Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) supports councils to:

  • deliver flood studies for river, creek and/or overland flooding, risk assessments and management strategies, scoped to meet specific local needs
  • improve council flood intelligence to be better prepared and able to respond to flooding events, for example, intelligence to support councils in translating peak height forecasts from the Bureau into on-the-ground consequences during the response phase. 

The $26.05 million Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) will support 39 councils to deliver 200 projects comprising 177 individual projects and six regional projects. This funding program was made available to the 39 eligible councils activated for the following 2021-2022 flood events:

  • Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, 10 November - 3 December 2021
  • Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, 29 December 2021 -10 January 2022
  • South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, 22 February - 5 April 2022
  • Southern Queensland Flooding, 6 May – 20 May 2022.

Funding acknowledgement

The Flood studies, risk assessment and management strategies and intelligence systems (WP3) work package is part of the Flood Risk Management (FRM) program - a component of the jointly funded Australian and Queensland Government (50:50) 2021-22 Rainfall and Flooding - Exceptional circumstances Category C and D funding package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Eligible activities

Eligible activities are outlined in the funding guidelines and include:

  • data collection to support the development of flood studies
  • flood studies for river, creek and/or overland flow
  • flood risk management assessments and plans
  • flood preparation and response action plans
  • mitigation and management options analysis and feasibility studies
  • development of flood intelligence tools, systems and dashboards.

Funding guidelines

Key dates and delivery milestones

  • Project acquittal reports are due within three months of the end of the financial year in which the project is completed
  • The current DRFA funding requires projects to be completed by 30 June 2026

Approved projects

Approved projects and funding (at September 2024)
Activated CouncilProject NameOriginal Approved Funding Value
Balonne Shire CouncilSt George Integrated Stormwater and Flood Risk Management Plan & Study$149,000
Balonne Shire CouncilFlood Intelligence Dashboard$34,500
Balonne Shire CouncilDirranbandi Flood Study$69,000
Balonne Shire CouncilMungundi Flood Study$69,000
Balonne Shire CouncilBollon Flood Study$69,000
Balonne Shire CouncilThallon Flood Study$69,000
Balonne Shire CouncilHebel and Nindagully Flood Study$69,000
Banana Shire CouncilBanana Shire Council Total Flood Warning Review$187,000
Banana Shire CouncilWowan Township Flood Study$62,000
Banana Shire CouncilBanana Township Flood Study$62,000
Banana Shire CouncilTheodore$62,000
Banana Shire CouncilCallide Valley$100,000
Banana Shire CouncilTaroom$62,000
Banana Shire CouncilDululu$62,000
Banana Shire CouncilBaralaba$62,000
Barcaldine RegionalAramac Flood Study$92,000
Barcaldine RegionalAramac Community based Flood Action Plan$46,000
Barcaldine RegionalJerhico Flood Study$92,000
Barcaldine RegionalJerhico Community based Flood Action Plan$46,000
Barcaldine RegionalAlpha Flood Study$92,000
Barcaldine RegionalAlpha Community based Flood Action Plan$46,000
Barcaldine Regional CouncilTotal Flood Warning Review$55,200
Barcoo Shire CouncilBarcoo Shire Disaster Management Dashboard$14,950
Barcoo Shire CouncilWindorah Flood Study$80,500
Barcoo Shire CouncilStonehenge and Jundah Flood Study$103,500
Blackall-Tambo Regional CouncilBlackall and Tambo Flood Study$80,500
Blackall-Tambo Regional CouncilBlackall Community Based Flood Action Plan$57,500
Blackall-Tambo Regional CouncilGuardian IMS - Flood Intelligence Module$128,800
Blackall-Tambo Regional CouncilBlackall Drainage Study$69,000
Brisbane City CouncilOverland Flow and Creek flooding (Citywide)$494,500
Brisbane City CouncilJindalee Creek$230,000
Brisbane City CouncilKedron Brook Flood study$175,000
Boulia Shire CouncilBoulia Emergency Dashboard$34,500
Boulia Shire CouncilLongreach Channel and Georgina Bridge Study$155,250
Boulia Shire CouncilInvestigation of Winton Rd Flood Immunity$172,500
Boulia Shire CouncilBoulia  Flood Study$92,000
Bundaberg Regional CouncilBundaberg Region Flood Risk Assessment and Planning Evaluation$563,500
Bundaberg Regional CouncilBurnett River and Tributaries Catchment Flood Study$1,840,000
Bundaberg Regional CouncilBurnett River targeted bathymetric and survey data collection$150,000
Bundaberg Regional CouncilGeneration of Local IFD Data $172,500
Bundaberg Regional CouncilBundaberg Flood Intelligence System$101,850
Bundaberg Regional CouncilBurnett River and Tributaries Flood Study - Interim Hydraulic Outputs$10,619
Bundaberg Regional CouncilBurnett River and Tributaries Flood Study - Additional Tributaries$40,781
Bundaberg Regional CouncilBurnett River - Additional Targeted Bathymetric and Survey Data Collection - P1$258,750
Carpentaria Shire CouncilNorman River Flood Study for Karumba and Normanton$136,000
Carpentaria Shire CouncilNorman River Bathymetric Data in vicinity of Karumba and Normanton$32,500
Carpentaria Shire CouncilDisaster Dashboard enhancements $3,285
Carpentaria Shire CouncilNorman River Bathymetric Survey Extension$25,875
Carpentaria Shire CouncilNormanton to Karumba Flood Assessment  - strategic LiDAR mapping$34,500
Carpentaria Shire CouncilNorman River - Downstream Catchment Flood Gauge Calibration$51,750
Central Highlands Regional CouncilCarnarvon Gorge Flood Study$36,750
Central Highlands Regional CouncilCarnarvon Gorge Flood Emergency Action Plan$36,750
Central Highlands Regional CouncilRubyvale Flood Mitigation Study$45,500
Central Highlands Regional CouncilEmerald Flood Evacuation Community Engagement$70,000
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilCherbourg Total Flood Warning Review$57,500
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilCherbourg Council Depot Flood Mitigation Feasbility Asessment$80,500
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilCherbourg Stormwater Data Survey$40,000
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilCherbourg Overland Flow Study and Mitigation Feasibility Assessment$69,000
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilBurnett River Catchment Flood Study$0
City of Gold CoastGold Coast Community Flood Alerting System$299,000
City of Gold CoastSoutheast Queensland Flood Forecast and Warning System$47,625
Diamantina Shire CouncilBirdsville Diamantina River and Tributaries Flood Study$120, 750.00
Diamantina Shire CouncilBedourie Flood Study$74,750
Flinders Shire CouncilHughenden Flood Study $138,000
Flinders Shire CouncilHughenden Flood Risk management Study and Plan$69,000
Flinders Shire CouncilPrarie Flood Study for Creek and Overland$92,000
Flinders Shire CouncilPrarie Flood Risk management Study and Plan$69,000
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilMary River Flood Study$404,800
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilMary River Bathymetric Data + survey of up to 10 bridges$202,400
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilLocal IFD Data Generation for the Region$69,000
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilBurrum Cherwell Flood Study$316,250
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilBurrum Cherwell Bathymetric Data + survey of up to 10 bridges$126,500
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilFraser Coast Region Overland Flow Flood Risk Definition$17,250
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilFlood Studies of six catchments, replacing non-digital, paper based models$310,500
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilFlood Studies of four catchments that have no flood studies$161,000
Fraser Coast Regional CouncilOverland Flow Model - whole of LGA$437,000
Gladstone Regional CouncilAgnes Water Drainage Study$100,000
Gladstone Regional CouncilDeepwater Creek Flood Study$94,500
Goondiwindi Regional CouncilGoondiwindi Flood Study$93,150
Goondiwindi Regional CouncilInglewood Flood Study$72,450
Goondiwindi Regional CouncilGoondiwindi Community Based Emergency Flood Action Plan$65,550
Goondiwindi Regional CouncilInglewood Community Based Emergency Flood Action Plan$54,625
Goondiwindi Regional CouncilYelarbon Evacuation Planning$46,000
Goondiwindi Regional CouncilBathymetry for Canning Creek and Macintyre Brook$23,000
Gympie Regional CouncilFloodplain Risk Management Plan for Gympie LGA$460,000
Gympie Regional CouncilGympie Flood Warning Intel System Guardian QIT+$102,350
Gympie Regional CouncilSix Mile Creek Catchment Flood Study $0
Gympie Regional CouncilDeep Creek Catchment Flood Study$224,250
Gympie Regional CouncilBurnett River and Tributaries Catchment Flood Study$0
Gympie Regional CouncilBurnett River targeted bathymetric and survey data collection$0
Gympie Regional CouncilStream Gauge Update in Waterride (Existing gauges only. No new infrastruture)$28,750
Gympie Regional CouncilGeneration of Local IFD Data for Noosa and Gympie LGAs$0
Gympie Regional CouncilGympie FRMP - Priority Action Plan Implementation$460,000
Ipswich City CouncilFlood Warning System$287,500
Ipswich City CouncilBundamba and Wrril Creek NbS Mitigation Feasability$160,500
Ipswich City CouncilCommunity based Flood Emergency Action Plans$230,000
Ipswich City CouncilPreparation of Multiple Agency Flood Operation
Response Plan
Isaac Regional CouncilHydraulic  Flood Study Upper Nogoa and Mackenzie River Catchments$230,000
Isaac Regional CouncilExtension Clermont  Flood Study Area$5,750
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilKowanyama Township Flood Emergency Action Plan$86,250
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilKowanyama Township Magnificent River Flood Study Update $80,500
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilKowanyama Drainage Study$230,000
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilDunbar Road Emergency Access Project$172,500
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilTopsy Road Flood Immunity and Barge Investigation Project$172,500
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilTotal Flood Warning Review$115,000
Livingstone Shire CouncilBelmont, Sutherland and Ramsay Creek and Tributaries Flood Study 2023$103,500
Livingstone Shire CouncilYeppoon Fig Tree Creek, Yeppoon Creek and Ross Creek Flood Study 2024$253,000
Lockyer Valley Regional CouncilUpdate and Extend the Lockyer Catchment-Wide Regional Creek Flood Study$102,500
Lockyer Valley Regional CouncilFlood Modelling and Flood Risk Management - Urban Areas$250,075
Logan City CouncilLogan Flood Studies Review Program - Schmidt's Creek Flood Study$138,000
Logan City CouncilLogan Flood Studies Review Program - Flagstone Creek Flood Study$138,000
Logan City CouncilLogan Flood Studies Review Program - Sandy Creek Flood Study$138,000
Logan City CouncilSoutheast Queensland Flood Forecast and Warning System$47,625
Logan City CouncilFlood Intel software system$43,950
Logan City CouncilNorris Creek Flood Study$164,450
Logan City CouncilOxley Creek flood forecasting system$65,550
Longreach Regional CouncilLongreach Flood study defining Riverine and Creek Design flood event'$69,000
Longreach Regional CouncilCommunity Flood Action Plan Longreach$34,500
Maranoa Regional CouncilMaranoa Region-wide Flood Risk Management Program $816,500
Maranoa Regional CouncilMaranoa Region-wide flood Study (costs included in MarRC-1)$0
Moreton Bay Regional CouncilFlood Risk Assessment and Regional Floodplain Management Plan $546,250
Moreton Bay Regional CouncilOverland Flow Modelling Project $138,000
Moreton Bay Regional CouncilRedcliffe 6 Hotspot Flood Mitigation Assessment$207,000
Moreton Bay Regional CouncilBribie Island 4 Hotspot Flood Mitigation Assessment$143,750
Moreton Bay Regional CouncilSoutheast Queensland Flood Forecast and Warning System$47,625
Moreton Bay Regional CouncilTime-based intelligence for emergency management and land use planning$57,500
Moreton Bay Regional Council112299 North Pine Dam Evacuation Modelling$81,000
Moreton Bay Regional CouncilBray Park Flood Mitigation Design$287,500
Moreton Bay Regional CouncilRegional Flood Database PMF Updates$287,500
Murweh Shire CouncilFlood Risk Study for Warrego River and Bradley's Gully at Charleville$92,000
Murweh Shire CouncilTotal Flood Warning Review for Charleville and Augathella$92,000
Murweh Shire CouncilFlood Intelligence Systems for Murweh Shire Council$46,000
Murweh Shire CouncilFlood Risk Definition Study for Augathella$69,000
Noosa Shire CouncilLake Entrance Boulevard Flood Mitigation Feasibility Assessment$27,734
Noosa Shire CouncilUpdate to Noosa River Flood Study$225,570
Noosa Shire CouncilSix Mile Creek Catchment Flood Study$221,200
Noosa Shire CouncilGeneration of Local IFD Data for Noosa and Gympie LGAs$161,900
Noosa Shire CouncilTotal Flood Warning Review$123,438
Noosa Shire CouncilScoping Study for Flood Warning Intelligence System$13,162
Noosa Shire CouncilNew Flood Warning Intelligence System with integration into Disaster Dashboard$53,739
Noosa Shire CouncilScoping Study on updating Noosa River & Six Mile Creek flood study hydrology$16,772
Noosa Shire CouncilSoutheast Queensland Flood Forecast and Warning System$47,625
Noosa Shire CouncilLake Entrance Boulevard Flood Mitigation Feasibility Assessment Phase 2$270,447
Noosa Shire CouncilFlood Warning Intelligence System Final Phase$116,750
North Burnett Regional CouncilFlood Action Plans
Gayndah, Eidsvold, Monto, Mount Perry, Munduberra + comments
North Burnett Regional CouncilNorth Burnett Total Flood Warning Review$115,000
North Burnett Regional CouncilBurnett River Flood Warning Intelligence System$80,500
North Burnett Regional CouncilBurnett River and Tributaries Catchment Flood Study$0
North Burnett Regional CouncilBurnett River targeted Bathymetric and survey data$0
North Burnett Regional CouncilSurvey of 4 weirs within the Burnett River$11,500
North Burnett Regional CouncilGeneration of Local IFD Data$0
North Burnett Regional Council'Monal , Harkness Boundary  ,Killala  and Oaky Creeks  flood studies $172,500
Redland City CouncilRCC City Wide Overland Flow Mapping$201,250
Redland City CouncilGuardian IMS Flood Intel Dashboard and Bridge Project$258,750
Redland City CouncilSoutheast Queensland Flood Forecast and Warning System$47,625
Redland City CouncilRCC LGA Creek flooding study upgrade Package - Part 1$92,978
Rockhampton Regional CouncilWest Rockhampton and Wandal Flood Risk Management Study and Plan$160,100
Rockhampton Regional CouncilSplitters Creek Model update and Flood Risk Management Study$203,000
Rockhampton Regional CouncilGracemere Catchments Flood Study$216,250
Rockhampton Regional CouncilFlood forecasting software module (Regional Scale application)$47,800
Rockhampton Regional CouncilFitzroy River Flood Model Update and Flood Risk Management Study$460,000
Rockhampton Regional CouncilUpdate of select flood models in regional high flood risk catchments$172,500
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilTotal Flood Warning Review - Develop Scenic Rim Regional Council Flood Intelligence Strategy$201,250
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilLogan River Emergency Management Flood Modelling $38,373
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilPurga Creek Emergency Management Flood Modelling$29,756
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilAlbert River Emergency Management Flood Modelling$33,276
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilWarrill Creek Emergency Management Flood Modelling$28,856
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilTeviot Brook Emergency Management Flood Modelling$30,048
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilCritical Council Infrastructure Identification and Mapping$126,500
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilGuardian IMS Flood Intelligence Module$149,500
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilLocal IFD Review and Update $25,770
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilSoutheast Queensland Flood Forecast and Warning System$47,625
Scenic Rim Regional CouncilOverland Flow Risk Studies$103,500
Somerset Regional CouncilFlood Warning Intelligence System Enhancement $69,000
Somerset Regional CouncilLGA-wide Overland Flow Flood Risk Mapping Study and Historical Inundation Calibration$61,870
Somerset Regional CouncilLocal IFD Data Review and Update$17,250
South Burnett Regional CouncilBurnett River and Tributaries Catchment Flood Study$0
South Burnett Regional CouncilGeneration of Local IFD Data $0
Southern Downs Regional CouncilSouthern Downs Condamine and Tributaries Flood Study $218,500
Southern Downs Regional CouncilStanthorpe Flood Study Quart Pot Creek$92,000
Southern Downs Regional CouncilKillarney Flood Warning Review $57,500
Southern Downs Regional CouncilLeyBurn Flood Warning Review$57,500
Southern Downs Regional CouncilWarwick, Stanthorpe, Killarney, Leyburn, Allora and Applethorpe$109,250
Southern Downs Regional CouncilWarwick Flood Risk Management Study$103,500
Sunshine Coast Regional CouncilSunshine Coast Communities Flood Emergency Management Plans$118,040
Sunshine Coast Regional CouncilMaroochy River Flood Mitigation Investigation$92,000
Sunshine Coast Regional CouncilRevised IFD Data for Sunshine Coast Flood Studies$69,000
Sunshine Coast Regional CouncilSoutheast Queensland Flood Forecast and Warning System$47,625
Sunshine Coast Regional CouncilBathymetric and Field Survey Collection for Lower Mooloolah River$230,000
Toowoomba Regional CouncilToowoomba Region Flooded Roads Prioritisation   Project$172,500
Toowoomba Regional CouncilToowoomba Overland Flow Path Mitigation Strategy$172,500
Toowoomba Regional CouncilCondamine Automated Flood Forecasting System$63,250
Toowoomba Regional CouncilUpdate to IFD data sets for Toowoomba Region$115,000
Toowoomba Regional CouncilSoutheast Queensland Flood Forecast and Warning System$47,625
Toowoomba Regional CouncilUpdate of select flood models in key growth area catchments$207,000
Toowoomba Regional CouncilUpdate of select flood models in regional high flood risk catchments$172,500
Western Downs Regional CouncilFlood Warning Intelligence System for Six Urban Centres$37,950
Western Downs Regional CouncilPreparation of Flood Operation Response Plan for Six Urban Centres$184,000
Western Downs Regional CouncilDalby Flood Study$51,750
Western Downs Regional CouncilChinchilla Flood Study$69,000
Western Downs Regional CouncilJanowae Flood Study$69,000
Western Downs Regional CouncilMiles Flood Study $69,000
Western Downs Regional CouncilTara Flood Study$69,000
Western Downs Regional CouncilWandoan Flood Study$69,000

(QRA Reference: CM DOC/24/53304, Last updated 1/11/2024)

Supporting documents: Technical project brief templates and guidance documents


For queries please email:

Media statements

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Who administers the 2022 Floodplain Risk Management Program?

The Queensland Reconstruction Authority administers the program.

How much funding has been made available under Work Package 3?

The $34.25 million Flood studies, risk assessment and management strategies and intelligence systems (WP3) work package is part of the $49 million Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) - a component of the jointly funded Australian and Queensland Government (50:50) 2021-22 Rainfall and Flooding - Exceptional circumstances Category C and D funding package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). It is comprised of:

  • $26.05 million Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) - Funding for councils (2021-22) to deliver flood studies, risk assessments and management strategies, and improve council flood intelligence.
  • $8.2 million for priority Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) projects to be delivered by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority and relevant state agencies.
Which councils are eligible applicants for this funding?

As at June 2024, there are thirty-nine (39) eligible councils activated following the eligible events, these Councils are listed below.  For any updates to the activation listings refer to: https://www.qra.qld.gov.au/disaster-funding-activations/activations   

Balonne Shire CouncilFlinders Shire CouncilMoreton Bay Regional Council
Banana Shire CouncilFraser Coast Regional CouncilMurweh Shire Council
Barcaldine RegionalGladstone Regional CouncilNoosa Shire Council
Barcoo Shire CouncilGoondiwindi Regional CouncilNorth Burnett Regional Council
Blackall-Tambo Regional CouncilGympie Regional CouncilRedland City Council
Brisbane City CouncilIpswich City CouncilRockhampton Regional Council
Boulia Shire CouncilIsaac Regional CouncilScenic Rim Regional Council
Bundaberg Regional CouncilKowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilSomerset Regional Council
Carpentaria Sire CouncilLivingstone Shire Council South Burnett Regional Council
Central Highlands Regional CouncilLockyer Valley Regional CouncilSouthern Downs Regional Council
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilLogan City CouncilSunshine Coast Regional Council
City of Gold CoastLongreach Regional CouncilToowoomba Regional Council
Diamantina Shire CouncilMaranoa regional CouncilWestern Downs Regional Council
Why were some Queensland councils not eligible for the funding?

The extraordinary DRFA funding is to support recovery and resilience for the 39 councils activated under the following 2021-2022 disaster events:

  • Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, 10 November - 3 December 2021
  • Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, 29 December 2021 -10 January 2022
  • South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, 22 February - 5 April 2022
  • Southern Queensland Flooding, 6 May – 20 May 2022
What are the key documents for successful program applicants?
What types of projects are eligible under the Flood Risk Management Program 2021-22?

Projects are limited to the following categories:

  • Flood studies including data collection 
  • Flood Risk Management studies and plans
  • Flood Warning Intelligence Systems and plans
Are new flood warning assets eligible under this program?

No.  Flood Warning assets will not be funded under this program

Did eligible applicants need to apply for LiDAR collection to support Flood Risk definition or management under this Work Package 3?

No.  There is a separate package (Work Package 2) covering the acquisition of LiDAR, and development of floor level databases to be delivered by the Department of Resources in collaboration with QRA. 

As time will be important for the second round of funding applications. Councils are advised to consider applying for projects which are not dependent on the delivery of other inputs such as LiDAR. 

LiDAR captured will be targeted based on known areas with insufficient definition, accuracy, coverage or the age of the existing dataset. QRA will liaise with the Department of Resources and Councils to identify areas for LiDAR capture. Areas identified for LiDAR capture as part of the additional $6 million will not be linked to approved projects. 

LiDAR and flood level database information acquired under Work Package 2 will be released to applicable councils free of charge. 

It is important to note that the WP 3 application form incorporates specific questions on LiDAR data sets available across the proposed project areas.  The answers to these questions will assist in ensuring projects are not dependent on LiDAR. 


Is the implementation of structural mitigation measures eligible under this program?

No.  Funding is limited to the feasibility assessment of structural mitigation measures. 

Are projects primarily focused on addressing the impact of drought / pandemic considered eligible?

The program has a primary focus of enhancing preparedness, resilience and recovery across the activated Local Government Areas in the context of river, creek and overland flood risk. However, projects that achieve this, as well as addressing the impact of drought/ pandemic, are considered eligible. 

How have projects been prioritised within the program?

If an applicant submits multiple projects, the priority given to each project must be identified. This is indicated in the Application Form. Should the funding round be oversubscribed, the QRA may limit assessment to projects assigned with the highest priority within each LGA.

Can studies extending beyond LGA boundaries be funded? How will studies extending across LGA boundaries be funded?


The QRA will consider funding of studies across LGA boundaries.  Where priority for a catchment study spans more than one council LGA areas then the priority of the project will be increased. 

Is GST to be included in the funding amount sought?

No. When claiming reimbursement of expenditure, the amount to be lodged must be the GST exclusive actual cost incurred. Depending on an applicant’s GST status, QRA may gross up the grant amount to include GST. 

Do applicants need to make a co-contribution to the costs of the project?

No. There is no fixed or minimum co-contribution, and this can be an in-kind co-contribution. The amount of the applicant’s co-contribution and the surety of this co-contribution are considered during the process. 

What is peer review and when is it required?

The Peer Review process will be more formal and provide input at project scope stage and designated review points through project delivery.

Peer review will be a mandatory requirement of flood studies, floodplain risk management studies and plans (including mitigation only studies) and generation of localised rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IFD) data.

Peer review points will be agreed with the appointed peer reviewer. It is expected there will be at least two to three review points at key points throughout the project and prior to project finalisation.

Projects such as flood warning intelligence, dashboard development or updates and community-based action plans will not require peer review, however Councils are welcome to opt into a peer review process if desired.

The peer review requirements are summarised in the table below.

Study TypeFormal Peer Review Comments
Flood StudyYesRobust, fit for purpose analysis to inform Flood Risk Management and a range of other purposes such as planning and disaster management
IFD Generation ProjectsYesUnderpinning flood risk definition for region (NB: currently investigating QRA delivery of IFD)
Flood Warning ReviewNoTechnical advisory panel available to support on request
Disaster DashboardsNoTechnical advisory panel available to support on request
Flood Risk Management Studies/Strategies/PlansYesRobust, fit for purpose analysis to inform range of planning and disaster management purposes
Community flood action plansNoTechnical advisory panel available to support on request
Update to flood risk definition NoTechnical advisory panel available to support on request
Data collectionNoRegistered Surveyor works subject to quality assurance
What are the council obligations for sharing project outputs?

Council are required to share project outputs with the State in line with the Queensland Flood Risk Management Framework. Upon completion of projects, all reporting and generated digital datasets are to be made available to the QRA and will be licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit: http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

When do projects need to be completed?

The current DRFA funding requires projects to be completed by 30 June 2026.

Project acquittal reports are due within three months of the end of the financial year in which the project is completed, i.e.

  • for projects completed in the 2023-24 financial year, the project acquittal report is due by 30 September 2024
  • for projects completed in the 2024-25 financial year, the project acquittal report is due by 30 September 2025
  • for projects completed in the 2025-26 financial year, the project acquittal report is due by 30 September 2026. 
How often are progress updates required?

Progress reports are required monthly throughout the delivery period until project completion. All reporting requirements are set out in the Project Funding Schedule/Agreement for successful projects. 

What happens if a project ends up costing more than the approved amount?

Successful applicants are responsible for any expenditure over the approved amount. 

What happens if a project does not deliver all the approved scope?

Successful applicants need to ensure preparedness, resilience and recovery outcomes are achieved as per the approved scope. Where a project does not deliver all the approved outcomes, then the project funding may be reduced based on the undelivered scope. 

What happens if a project ends up costing less than the approved amount?

Unspent funds will be returned to the program and may be reallocated to other projects. 


Who decides on the successful projects?

QRA may consult with relevant agencies and/or partners for review and/or endorsement of projects. The QRA CEO provides final project approval.

Will there be another round of funding under this program?

This is the second round of funding under this program and will open officially on the 1 July 2024. This is the final round of funding under this program

What happens if the program is over-subscribed?

In the event of over subscription to this program, projects across the eligible LGA will be prioritised by risk, to ensure outcomes are maximised. 

When can we start procurement?

For projects approved for funding through this second round of applications, procurement can start as soon as Councils are notified of funding approval.  

Where is the program information published?

More information can be found at https://www.qra.qld.gov.au/frmp-2021-22-wp3 


Last updated: 1 November 2024. QRA Reference: QRATF/24/3374.