State Recovery Policy and Planning Coordinator
The Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority is the State Recovery Policy and Planning Coordinator (SRPPC).
The role of the SRPPC is to:
- stand as State Recovery Coordinator (SRC)
- engage collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure recovery activities provide the best outcomes for the people of Queensland in terms of timeliness, quality of service and advice to government
- ensure better preparedness of government entities and the community for recovery operations.
- lead recovery planning, policy and recovery capability development to ensure effective recovery operations and coordination
- oversee the effective delivery of relief and immediate recovery operations until a SRC is appointed
- facilitate the provision of local recovery planning and operations support, when requested by the impacted LDMGs/LRGs.
- ensure continual improvements in disaster recovery policies, procedures and planning
- oversee state level preparedness for recovery operations
- manage and resource a newly appointed SRC and is available for consultation with the SRC/Deputy SRCs throughout the duration of their appointment
- attend QDMC and State Disaster Coordination Group (SDCG) meetings, and liaise with the State Disaster Coordinator (SDC) in the lead up to a disaster (if possible) and during disaster response operations
- work with the SDC to ensure smooth transition from response operations to recovery operations.
- work with stakeholders to collaboratively implement the delivery of resilience building measures and ongoing resilience continuous improvement.
- ensure a review of disaster recovery operations is conducted after an event.