Getting ready, reducing risk and building resilience
Getting ready, reducing risk and building resilience is one of three Queensland Reconstruction Authority organisational objectives in the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) Strategic Plan 2024-28.
The strategies, outcomes and key performance indicators under this objective are outlined below.
- Design and deliver best practice strategies to help communities be ready, resilient and recover stronger from future disasters.
- Prioritise and coordinate disaster resilience funding programs to maximise risk reduction and build resilience.
- Coordinate development and implementation of whole of government policies to manage and assess disaster risk.
- Provide advice to support the development of whole of government policies towards more resilient buildings,
infrastructure and communities. - Prepare Queenslanders for disasters through targeted all-hazard communication and community education awareness campaigns
and outreach activities under Get Ready Queensland and the If It’s Flooded Forget It programs. - Support local governments to have up to date, targeted local disaster resilience and recovery plans that enhance capability
to identify and prioritise resilience projects, initiatives and activities.
- Queenslanders are more informed about their risk and know how to prepare for disaster.
- Increased targeted investment in disaster risk reduction.
- Queensland’s network of flood warning infrastructure is coordinated to meet best practice.
- Local governments have access to, and use fit-for-purpose tools and information that inform disaster risk.
- Local governments are capable, confident and supported in delivering disaster preparedness to their communities.
Key performance indicators
- Number of people in Queensland who intend to change behaviour following exposure to awareness campaigns increases each year.
- Whole of state flood warning network complies with national standards.
- Data analytics including Get Ready Queensland market research shows increased awareness of risk, resilience and how to be
prepared. - Increased investment in mitigation and disaster risk reduction.