About DARM

What is DARM and how does it work?

QRA introduced Damage Assessment and Reconstruction Monitoring in 2011 following a summer of disasters that saw widespread flooding and Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi devastate much of Queensland.

DARM is one of the main ways QRA monitors and supports reconstruction and recovery after a severe natural disaster or significant weather event.

After every significant event, QRA visits impacted communities to monitor and record the progress of reconstruction and recovery. The visits usually occur every three months after an event, for up to a year.

The visits follow an initial assessment by Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES), which is completed in the immediate aftermath of a significant event.

The QFES damage assessments are usually completed from 3 – 14 days after an event. The information collected by QFES is shared with QRA for ongoing monitoring.

What does it look like?

QRA officers, together with support from other state agencies and non-government organisations, revisits properties previously identified by QFES as damaged.

Officers conduct street by street, house by house inspections to record the progress of reconstruction and recovery as well as check on residents’ ability to access financial and human social support. This helps to identify and provide assistance to the most vulnerable in our communities.

How is the information used?

After the information is collected and verified, it is shared with impacted councils, relevant state agencies and other stakeholders (for example, the insurance and building industries) to inform reconstruction and recovery efforts and to ensure assistance is delivered to where it is needed.

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