Environment Functional Recovery and Resilience Group

About the Environment FRRG

The effects of a disaster on the natural environment may be a direct result of the disaster or through a secondary impact or flow on from the disaster response or recovery process. Impacts to the environment may include damage or loss of flora and fauna, poor air quality, reduced water quality, land degradation and contamination, or damage to heritage listed places.

The role of the Environment FRRG is to determine the potential and/or actual environmental impacts of disaster hazards and events, coordinate the efficient and effective planning and implementation of strategic environment recovery activities post event, and champion environmental resilience in policy and practice when dealing with disaster risk.

The FRRG functions and membership are currently under review with the establishment of new Terms of Reference to reflect the extended function to include resilience. The new functions and membership will be updated accordingly in the Queensland Recovery Plan through its upcoming review. 

Lead agency

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI)


The Environment Functional Recovery and Resilience Group is chaired by the Director-General of DESI.


  • Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
  • Department of Resources
  • Department of State Development and Infrastructure
  • Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts
  • Local Government Association of Queensland
  • Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
  • Queensland Health
  • Queensland Reconstruction Authority.


  • AgForce
  • Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC)
  • Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS)
  • Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)
  • Ergon Energy
  • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA)
  • National Parks Association of Queensland
  • Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions Queensland
  • Queensland Conservation Council (QCC)
  • Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF)
  • Queensland Resources Council (QRC)
  • Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU)
  • River Improvement Trusts
  • Seqwater
  • SunWater
  • Waste Recycling Industry Association of Queensland (WRIQ)
  • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

Source: Queensland Recovery Plan - Annexure C.

Last updated: 11 July 2024. QRA Reference: DOC/24/34763.