LiDAR capture and floor level database (WP2)


$12.4 million in funding was available for the LiDAR capture and floor level database (WP2) as part of the Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) - a component of the jointly funded Australian and Queensland Government (50:50) 2021-22 Rainfall and Flooding - Exceptional circumstances Category C and D funding package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). 

The LiDAR capture and floor level database (WP2) involves prioritisation of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) capture extents, including procurement of LiDAR and post-processing services for terrain modelling, building footprints and development of a flood level database.

The LiDAR capture and floor level database (WP2) aims to capture LiDAR across areas to align with identified needs for further technical investigation, and, identification of inadequacies of existing LiDAR data sets in any of the following ways:

  • insufficient definition
  • insufficient accuracy
  • insufficient coverage
  • age of existing LiDAR datasets.

Information in regard to existing LiDAR datasets was collected from councils via the first round of the application process undertaken for WP3. 

QRA will collaborate with the Department of Resources and councils to guide prioritisation of LiDAR capture.

Delivery milestones  

Delivery milestones Delivery agency
Identify highest needs areas for LiDAR capture via collaboration with QRA Department of Resources
Undertake LiDAR capture Department of Resources
Post-process LiDAR to obtain building footprints and floor levels – distribution of outputs and datasets to councils Department of Resources

Eligible activities

Eligible activities may include:

WP2 - LiDAR Capture and Floor Level Database

  • Procurement of LiDAR capture services, post-processing, data handling and storage
  • Post-processing of addition datasets from the LiDAR, including building footprint data

Funding acknowledgement

The LiDAR capture and floor level database (WP2) is part of the Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) - a component of the jointly funded Australian and Queensland Government (50:50) 2021-22 Rainfall and Flooding - Exceptional circumstances Category C and D funding package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Case study


Last updated: 17 July 2024. QRA Reference: DOC/24/35572.