Functional Recovery and Resilience Groups (FRRGs)

Functional Recovery and Resilience Groups (FRRGs) coordinate and support the planning and implementation of Queensland's whole-of-community recovery activities across the five functional lines of recovery and resilience – Roads and Transport, Building, Economic, Environment and Human and Social – supporting local government in fulfilling its recovery and resilience objectives.

FRRGs leverage strong existing partnerships between state and local governments to ensure close collaboration and coordination during the management of recovery activities. Activities are in accordance with the needs and priorities identified by communities and the state and include those outlined in local recovery plans. 

The FRRGs are responsible for providing resources and supporting Local Recovery Groups (LRGs) and District Recovery Groups (DRGs) in their recovery efforts across impacted communities. The FRRGs coordinate, link and facilitate recovery planning, issues management and activities at the state level across their different functional group areas.

The communication loop between LRGs, DRGs and state level FRRGs is a crucial element of the recovery governance arrangements.

FRRGs through their representation on the District Disaster Management Groups (DDMGs) establish a formal reporting relationship with the LRGs to ensure effective information sharing.

FRRGs - Function, lead agency, and membership

Person holding dog in street
Find out about the aims, lead agency, chair and membership of the Human and Social Functional Recovery and Resilience Group.
Townsville town centre flooded
Find out about the aims, lead agency, chair and membership of the Economic Functional Recovery and Resilience Group.
MacKenzie River Helicopter Rescue
Find out about the aims, lead agency, chair and membership of the Environment Functional Recovery and Resilience Group.
building frg
Find out about the aims, lead agency, chair and membership of the Building Functional Recovery and Resilience Group.
Ute stopped at washed out road
Find out about the aims, lead agency, chair and membership of the Roads and Transport Functional Recovery and Resilience Group.