Bushfire website

About the bushfire website

The Queensland Government bushfire website at www.qld.gov.au/bushfire acts as a source of truth and gateway so that Queenslanders can easily find reliable information about bushfire. It has bushfire information suitable for the general public, and a dedicated section with information links for councils and disaster management practitioners.

The bushfire website is designed to present clear sections to assist users to:

  • be bushfire aware - know your bushfire risk, understand bushfire warnings and daily fire danger ratings, and find current bushfire warnings and incidents
  • prepare for bushfire – and make a Bushfire Survival Plan
  • find bushfire recovery and assistance information
  • understand bushfire health and safety
  • learn about bushfire resilient homes and rebuilding
  • check local disaster dashboards
  • access the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) website.

The bushfire website is a whole-of-government initiative supported by a network of state agency web and communication teams and content partners to ensure Queensland's bushfire related content uses consistent messaging that is coordinated, current, and provides a consistent user experience with easy-to-find information.

We encourage links to www.qld.gov.au/bushfire from organisation web pages as appropriate.

View the bushfire website at:


Feedback about the bushfire website is welcome.

Project background and content partners

The bushfire website has been coordinated by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority with content partners including:

  • Bureau of Meteorology
  • Business Queensland
  • CSIRO     
  • Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy
  • Department of Environment
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • Geoscience Australia
  • Get Ready Queensland
  • Inspector-General Emergency Management      
  • Insurance Council of Australia
  • LegalAid    
  • Natural Hazards Research Australia
  • Office of the Information Commissioner
  • Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)
  • Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
  • Queensland Health
  • Queensland Police Service
  • Queensland Reconstruction Authority
  • Resilient Building Council 
  • Smart Service Queensland 
  • Standards Australia
  • Worksafe Queensland.