MARS - Authorised users

Steps to become a MARS authorised user

The 3 steps to become a MARS authorised user are outlined below, along with information about the different User Types in MARS, consultant access, how to remove a user, and the contact for technical support.

Step 1: MARS User access request form

Complete the MARS User access request form.

Note: To complete your user profile please refer to the Tip sheet - User profiles in MARS.

Step 2. Authorisation 

Authorisation must be by CEO, Director-General or equivalent or the approved MARS authorised delegate for your organisation.

Step 3. Submit the signed User Access Request Form

Submit the signed user access request form via email to

Types of User profiles in MARS

MARS is the Management and Reporting System online portal administered by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to support councils and state agencies with disaster funding applications. When completing the User Access Request Form you will be asked to select a User Profile so the QRA team can set up the right access to meet your user requirements.

User Profile Types

#User type Description
View onlyCan view all areas
2Activation OfficerCan view, edit, and lodge activation requests
3Submission BuilderCan view all, plus edit submissions and be nominated as the submission contact - can view all, plus edit progress reports
4Progress Report BuilderCan view all, plus edit progress reports
5Digital Road Network DownloaderCan download Digital Road Network data for the entire organisation or selected completed submissions
6Finance UserCan view and export Transaction Register data (all MARS payment records and remaining Grant Advance)
7Organisation Executive(All actions) Can view, edit, and lodge all functions ability to add new users in your organisation
8Authorised DelegateRequired if the CEO, Director-General, or equivalent wants another user to be able to approve future access requests for user profile types 1/2/3/4/5. (Note: Only the CEO or DG or equivalent is required to approve user types 6 ,7 and 8).

Scenarios to help you select the appropriate User Profile

Scenario: “We only have a few staff who do everything, but the CEO still checks submissions and lodges to QRA.”
Scenario“We only have a few staff who do everything, but the CEO still checks submissions and lodges to QRA.”
CEO access

Form section 1. User information and declaration:

CEO adds own details, ticks profile 5 (Organisation Executive) and signs.


Form section 2. Authorisation:

CEO adds own details and signs.

Other staff access

Form section 1. User information and declaration:

Individual user adds own details, ticks required user profile type, and signs.


Form section 2. Authorisation:

CEO adds own details and signs all forms.


Scenario: “We often use consultants for building submissions and progress reports, but the CEO still checks them and lodges to QRA.”
Scenario“We often use consultants for building submissions and progress reports, but the CEO still checks them and lodges to QRA.” 
CEO access

Form section 1. User information and declaration:

CEO adds own details, ticks profile 5 (Organisation Executive) and signs


Form section 1. User information and declaration:

CEO adds own details, ticks profile 5 (Organisation Executive) and signs

Consultant access

Form section 1. User information and declaration:

Consultant adds own details, ticks profile 3 (Submission Builder) and 4 (Progress Report Builder), and signs.


Form section 2. Authorisation:

CEO adds own details and signs

Scenario: “We have several staff in senior roles, and the CEO would like the Director of Works to manage all QRA activities on their behalf.”
Scenario“We have several staff in senior roles, and the CEO would like the Director of Works to manage all QRA activities on their behalf.”
Director of Works access

Form section 1. User information and declaration:

Director of Works adds own information, ticks profiles 5 (Organisation Executive) AND 6 (Authorised Delegate) and signs.


Form section 2. Authorisation:

CEO adds own details and signs.

Other staff access

Form section 1. User information and declaration:

Individual user adds own details, ticks required user profile type, and signs..


Form section 2. Authorisation:

Director of Works adds own details and signs all forms.

Consultant access to MARS

  • Consultants working for more than one organisation will need to have their MARS access approved by each organisation. A separate form should be completed and signed by the user, and CEO or accountable officer for each organisation. This is to ensure the appropriate approval has been gained for the level of access requested.
  • Access to multiple organisations can be applied to one email address.

Remove a user from MARS

MARS support

Technical support for MARS users can be accessed by emailing

QRA RLOs are also ready to provide support and advice to their councils and state agencies.