2021 Betterment Fund
On this page:
The 2021 Betterment Fund has provided $20 million across the 47 eligible local government areas in Queensland impacted in the 2020-21 disaster season.
The objectives of the 2021 Betterment Fund are to restore essential public assets damaged in 2020-21 to a more resilient standard:
- so infrastructure and communities are more resilient to future disasters
- so future costs associated with disasters are reduced
- to address Queensland’s assessed natural hazard risks
- in alignment with the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience and the Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience objectives of strengthened disaster risk management and investment in disaster risk reduction.
Funding acknowledgement
The 2021 Betterment Fund is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments.
Administering agency
Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA)
The 2021 Betterment Fund program is in delivery.
Successful projects
The following Excel spreadsheet provides details of the 39 successful projects in the 2021 Betterment Fund round including council; project name; betterment funding year; project description; betterment funding (pre-approved funding amount); betterment funding (final funding amount); delivery status; and geolocation (latitude and longitiude).
Interactive map: Betterment Projects
The Betterment interactive map below shows all approved projects including the year of the Betterment Fund (funding year), organisation, project name, betterment funding (pre-approved and final funding), and project description.
Eligible applicants and Funding Guidelines
Eligible applicants are local governments and state agencies with assets that are eligible for Category B REPA funding for events in 2020-21. This includes the following activations:
- Far North Queensland Low Pressure System, 15 - 26 April 2021
- Southern Queensland Severe Weather, 20 – 31 March 2021
- Tropical Cyclone Niran and Associated Low Pressure System, 25 February – 3 March 2021
- Far North Queensland Tropical Low, 24 – 30 January 2021
- Tropical Cyclone Imogen and Associated Low Pressure System, 2 – 12 January 2021
- Western Queensland Thunderstorms 21 - 30 December 2020
- South East Queensland Coastal Trough, 12 – 15 December 2020
- K’gari (Fraser Island) 9 November – 23 December 2020
- South East Queensland Hailstorm, 31 October 2020
Council areas activated under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for Category B Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (REPA) assistance are eligible for this program:
- Aurukun Shire Council
- Balonne Shire Council
- Barcaldine Regional Council
- Barcoo Shire Council
- Blackall-Tambo Regional Council
- Bulloo Shire Council
- Burke Shire Council
- Cairns Regional Council
- Carpentaria Shire Council
- Cassowary Coast Regional Council
- Charters Towers Regional Council
- City of Gold Coast
- Cook Shire Council
- Croydon Shire Council
- Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council
- Douglas Shire Council
- Etheridge Shire Council
- Fraser Coast Regional Council
- Goondiwindi Regional Council
- Hinchinbrook Shire Council
- Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council
- Ipswich City Council
- Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council
- Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council
- Lockyer Valley Regional Council
- Logan City Council
- Longreach Regional Council
- Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council
- Mareeba Shire Council
- Mornington Shire Council
- Mount Isa City Council
- Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council
- Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council
- Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council
- Paroo Shire Council
- Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council
- Quilpie Shire Council
- Scenic Rim Regional Council
- Southern Downs Regional Council
- Tablelands Regional Council
- Toowoomba Regional Council
- Torres Shire Council
- Torres Strait Island Regional Council
- Townsville City Council
- Whitsunday Regional Council
- Winton Shire Council
- Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council
Media statements