2023 Betterment Fund


The Queensland Government has established a $100 million Betterment Fund available to the 45 eligible local government areas in Queensland impacted by the Northern and Central Queensland Monsoon and Flooding of 2022-23. It is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments.

Event damaged assets in local government areas activated under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for Category B assistance Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (REPA) may be eligible under this fund.

The objectives of the 2022-23 Betterment Fund are to restore essential public assets damaged in events to a more resilient standard so that:

  •  infrastructure and communities are more resilient to future disasters
  •  future costs associated with disasters are reduced
  • Queensland’s assessed natural hazard risks can be addressed
  • disaster risk management and investment in disaster risk reduction are strengthened in alignment with the objectives of  the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience and the Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience. 

Upfront investment in stronger infrastructure and more resilient communities saves money for all levels of government in the long-term, and the undertaking of essential public asset restoration provides an opportune time for additional investment to achieve resilient outcomes.

Betterment applications will be prioritised based on a cost benefit analysis and the demonstration of resilience outcomes. This will include the additional cost of increasing resilience and the qualitive and quantitative benefits of the improvements. 


Project approvals for this program are underway with 37 submissions containing multiple projects approved and in delivery.

Successful projects

Projects approved as part of the 2022-2023 Betterment Program including year, council, and project name are listed below.

YearOrganisationProject / Asset
2022-2023 (Cat D)Aurukun Shire CouncilAurukun Access Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Barcaldine Regional CouncilAramac-Jericho (West)
2022-2023 (Cat D)Barcoo Shire CouncilYaraka Retreat Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Boulia Shire CouncilUrandangi South Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Burdekin Shire CouncilButler Road (Ayr)
2022-2023 (Cat D)Burke Shire CouncilBurketown Aerodrome
2022-2023 (Cat D)Burke Shire CouncilDoomadgee Lawn Hill Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Burke Shire CouncilGregory Lawn Hill Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Cloncurry Shire CouncilGranada Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Cook Shire CouncilCameron Creek Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Carpentaria Shire CouncilNormanton-Burketown Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire CouncilWooloogarang West Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Diamantina Shire CouncilBetoota-Mooraberree, Winton Shire Boundary and Springvale-Boulia Roads
2022-2023 (Cat D)Department of Transport and Main RoadsBurke Development Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Department of Transport and Main RoadsGregory Downs Camooweal Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilKowanyama Street
2022-2023 (Cat D)Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire CouncilCarrington Street
2022-2023 (Cat D)Longreach Regional CouncilFloodway improvements across 17 assets
2022-2023 (Cat D)Mapoon Aboriginal Shire CouncilThuungu Street
2022-2023 (Cat D)McKinlay Shire CouncilEtta Plains Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Mount Isa City CouncilRiversleigh Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Northern Peninsula Area Regional CouncilConcrete pavement across 35 sites
2022-2023 (Cat D)Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire CouncilStation Creek Floodway
2022-2023 (Cat D)Palm Island Aboriginal Shire CouncilButler Bay Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Tablelands Regional CouncilUpgraded gully crossings across six assets
2022-2023 (Cat D)Townsville City CouncilWest Point Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Torres Shire CouncilWaiben Esplanade
2022-2023 (Cat D)Torres Shire CouncilAplin Park Close
2022-2023 (Cat D)Torres Shire CouncilNawie Street
2022-2023 (Cat D)Torres Shire CouncilKing Point Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Torres Strait Island Regional CouncilKemus Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Torres Strait Island Regional CouncilDump Road
2022-2023 (Cat D)Whitsunday Regional CouncilGloucester Avenue
2022-2023 (Cat D)Winton Shire CouncilConcrete floodways, margins and rock mattress protection across five assets
2022-2023 (Cat D)Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire CouncilReservoir Road

(QRA Reference: CM DOC/24/85828. Last updated 28 November 2024).

Funding acknowledgement

This $100 million Betterment Fund is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments to support Queensland communities in their recovery from Northern and Central Queensland Monsoon and Flooding, 20 December 2022 - 30 April 2023.


The Betterment Funding Guidelines outline eligible councils for this program include the 45 Queensland local government areas activated under the DRFA for Category B REPA, and the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Application  form

Administering agency

Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA)


For enquiries email submissions@qra.qld.gov.au

Media statements

(QRA References: CM QRATF/24/5758 & DOC/24/40726. Last updated 24 July 2024).