Queensland Disaster Funding Guidelines (QDFG) 2021

For events that occur from 1 July 2021 onwards

These guidelines outline Queensland's two disaster relief and recovery arrangements: the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) and the State Disaster Relief Arrangements (SDRA), and should be used for events that occur from 1 July 2021 onwards.

NOTE: The Queensland Disaster Funding Guidelines are currently being updated and the 2024 version will be available soon.

The purpose of the guidelines is to:

  • detail Queensland’s administrative requirements for DRFA and SDRA relief measures that may be activated within Queensland following an eligible disaster to assist individuals, small businesses, primary producers, not-for-profit organisations, local governments and state agencies
  • detail the activation, eligibility, application, delivery, reporting and acquittal requirements under both the DRFA and SDRA within Queensland
  • provide a guide for local governments and state government agencies, not-for-profit organisations, primary producers, small businesses and the general public, on financial assistance and funding that may be available in the event of a disaster.

Information sheet: DRFA and SDRA

DRFA media and public acknowledgement requirements