Applying for DRFA funding
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DRFA funding relief measures
The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) administers four funding relief measures to local governments and state agencies:
- Counter Disaster Operations
- Emergency Works for essential public assets
- Immediate Reconstruction Works for essential public assets
- Reconstuction of essential public assets.
This page provides information on applying for funding via each of these measures, including key dates, preparing and lodging submission forms.
Counter Disaster Operations (CDO)
Counter Disaster Operations (CDO) activities are undertaken by local governments and state agencies immediately before, during or after an eligible disaster, in order to assist and protect people by:
- alleviating personal hardship and distress
- addressing the immediate emergency needs of individuals
- protecting the general public.
Key dates for CDO
- Completing activities: CDO activities are undertaken immediately before, during and immediately after the eligible disaster.
- Lodging a submission: Eligible activities undertaken up to 30 June are required to be lodged to the QRA for acquittal assessment by 30 September (within three months from end of financial year). This requirement includes lodging all expenditure incurred on the eligible activities undertaken during the financial year, regardless when the invoice was paid.
Steps to prepare and lodge a CDO submission
- Download the Counter Disaster Operations Submission Form.
- Lodge the completed submission form and all supporting evidence via the MARS portal.
Resources for more information
Emergency Works for Essential Public Assets
Emergency Works (EW) are temporary works undertaken by local government and state agencies to:
- urgently repair eligible essential public assets impacted by an eligible disaster
- enable essential public assets to operate or be operated at a reasonable level of efficiency
- enable assets to support the immediate recovery of the community after an eligible disaster.
Key dates
- Completing works: Works must be completed within three months after the event, or from when the asset becomes accessible.
- Lodging a submission: Submissions are to be lodged within three months from the end of financial year in which the works commenced (by 30 September), unless otherwise agreed with QRA.
Steps to prepare and lodge a submission
- Download the Emergency Works Submission Form.
- Lodge the completed submission form and all supporting evidence via the MARS portal.
Resources for more information
Immediate Reconstruction Works for Essential Public Assets
Immediate Reconstruction Works are reconstruction works undertaken by local government and state agencies to urgently and permanently reconstruct eligible essential public assets to pre-disaster function immediately (within three months) after the eligible disaster has occured.
Key dates
- Collecting evidence: Damage evidence must be collected prior to or while undertaking Immediate Reconstruction Works. Completion evidence must be collected as works are completed, or as soon as possible after completion. All evidence must meet the DRFA requirements.
- Completing works: Works must be completed within three months after the event, or from when the asset becomes accessible.
- Lodging a submission: Submissions are to be lodged within three months from the end of the financial year in which the works commenced (by 30 September), unless otherwise agreed with QRA.
Steps to prepare and lodge a submission
- Download the Immediate Reconstruction Works Submission Form.
- Lodge the completed submission form and all supporting evidence via the MARS portal.
Resources for more information
Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets
Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (REPA) submissions are developed and lodged based on the:
- scope of reconstruction works required to restore or replace eligible essential public assets that have been directly damaged by an eligible disaster and
- estimated reconstruction costs to complete those works.
Key dates
- Collecting evidence: Post disaster evidence must be collected no later than 12 months after the event. All evidence must meet the DRFA requirements.
- Lodging a submission: All REPA submissions, including awarded market prices, must be lodged to QRA within nine months (by 31 March) following the financial year in which the relevant disaster occurred.
- Updating a submission with awarded market price: All requests to update an approved submission with awarded market prices, must be lodged to QRA within nine months (by 31 March) following the financial year in which the relevant disaster occurred.
- Reporting on works: Monthly progress reports are required throughout delivery.
- Completing works: All REPA works must be completed within 24 months after the end of the financial year in which the disaster occurred.
- Acquitting approved works and expenditure: Unless otherwise agreed with QRA, all REPA acquittal reports and evidence must be lodged to QRA within three months of completing the works.
Steps to prepare and lodge a submission
- Download the Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (REPA) submission form.
- Lodge the completed submission form and all supporting evidence via the MARS portal.
Resources for more information
Program delivery and acquittal
Following approval of a submission, progress reports can be exported, populated and lodged in the MARS Portal. Close out of a submission can also be done in the MARS Portal following completion of works and full expenditure.
Refer to the MARS - User guides and forms page for the guidance document on Progress reporting and close outs.