Human and Social Functional Recovery Group

About the Human and Social FRRG

Human and social recovery relates to the emotional, social, physical and psychological health and well-being of individuals, families and communities following a disaster. The Human and Social Recovery and Resilience Group aims to address:

  • access to timely information
  • assistance to reconnect with families, friends and community networks
  • enabling people to manage their own recovery through access to information and a range of services and/or practical assistance, including financial assistance for those individuals and households who are most vulnerable and do not have the means to finance their own recovery.
  • access to emotional, psychological and mental health support at individual, family and community levels (psychosocial support), and
  • assistance to maintain a sense of equilibrium in life and move forward into a changed reality.

The FRRG functions and membership are currently under review with the establishment of new Terms of References to reflect the extended function to include resilience. The new functions and membership will be updated accordingly in the Queensland Recovery Plan through its upcoming review.

Lead agency 

Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts (DTATSIPCA)

The Human and Social Functional Recovery and Resilience Group is chaired by the Director-General of (DTATSIPCA).


  • Australian Red Cross
  • Chaplaincy Australia
  • Community Services Industry Alliance
  • Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
  • Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts 
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
  • Department of Justice and Attorney-General
  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Foodbank Queensland
  • Good Shepherd Australia
  • Multicultural Australia
  • National Disability Insurance Agency
  • National Emergency Management Agency
  • NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission
  • Orange Sky Australia
  • Queensland Health (Health system and clinical access, Public Health, Mental Health)
  • Queensland Reconstruction Authority
  • Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority
  • Salvation Army
  • Save the Children Australia
  • Services Australia
  • St Vincent de Paul Society
  • UnitingCare Community (Lifeline)
  • Uniting Church of Australia
  • Volunteering Queensland.

Source: Queensland Recovery Plan - Annexure C.

Last updated: 11 July 2024. QRA Reference: DOC/24/34766.