Bureau of Meteorology National Flood Warning Infrastructure Network Program
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About the Bureau of Meteorology's Flood Warning Infrastructure Network (FWIN) Program
In 2023, the Australian Government allocated $236 million over 10 years from 2023–24 to remediate high priority flood warning infrastructure and address critical reliability risks across Australia.
In Queensland, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority's (QRA) role is to ensure a best practice flood warning networking in assisting local governments in improving their network, with active stakeholder engagement in the oversight of the Bureau’s management of the transition and ongoing operations and management of flood warning gauges in Queensland.
QRA and Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) will continue to work with the Bureau to ensure that timely and effective engagement with local governments occurs for the transfer of gauge assets back to the Bureau and the implementation of gauge upgrades and new asset installation.
Video: About the Bureau of Meteorology's Flood Warning Infrastructure Network (FWIN) Program
(Run time 1 minute 27 seconds)
Program webpages: Bureau of Meteorology FWIN Program in Queensland

(External link to: https://www.qld.gov.au/emergency/dealing-disasters/disaster-types/flood/for-councils-and-flood-practitioners/flood-warning-infrastructure-resources/bureau-of-meteorologys-flood-warning-infrastructure-network-fwin-program)

(External link to https://beta.bom.gov.au/resources/observation-network/flood-warning-network-upgrades)
Media statements (Australian Government)

Background: 2020 Scoping Study
As background, in 2020 The Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau) undertook a Scoping Study that audited Queensland’s existing network infrastructure to ascertain what parts of the system were not meeting the National Standards for Flood Warning Infrastructure.
The audit found that the network was adequate in most areas but concluded by proposing 89 river height stations and 364 rainfall stations to fill gaps in the monitoring network.
This work formed the basis of a funding bid for improvements to the Bureau’s National Flood Warning Infrastructure Network.
Contact: Bureau of Meteorology
For queries, please contact the Bureau of Meteorology team via email to:
Last updated: 25 September 2024.