Local Government Masterplans and investment overview (FWIN)
Investment overview (FWIN)
In accordance with the Queensland Strategic Flood Warning Infrastructure Plan, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority is working with key stakeholders including state agencies, local government and the Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau) to facilitate the development of a network of flood warning gauges that complies with best practice.
Since 2017, the QRA has secured more than $24.3 million in funding for flood gauges and other flood warning infrastructure across Queensland through a mix of state funded programs, Commonwealth programs and jointly funded programs.
Further investment of $7 million in Queensland's Flood Warning Infrastructure Network (FWIN) has been approved under the Australian Government’s $75 million Emergency Response Fund 2021-22 to continue to roll-out new and upgraded flood warning infrastructure to communities heavily impacted by the floods in early 2022. This will ensure our flood warning infrastructure network continues to be fit-for-purpose, supporting the safety and prosperity of Queensland communities.
The Australian Government are also playing a significant role in achieving a best practice network with the announcement of $236 million over 10 years from 2023–24 to remediate high priority flood warning infrastructure and address critical reliability risks in support of the Bureau of Meteorology National Disaster Warning Network.
The Queensland Government remains committed to working with the Commonwealth on investing in flood warning infrastructure and ensuring the establishment of cost-sharing arrangements for the ongoing maintenance of these vital assets.
Local Government Masterplans (FWIN)
QRA are working with local governments and state governments to develop forward planning regionally focused Masterplans for a range of flood warning infrastructure to ensure there is regional agreement on priorities and design solutions for when funding becomes available.
2016-17 Investment Plan (FWIN)
In 2016-17, in conjunction with the Bureau, QRA engaged with 60 councils to identify and produce 43 Investment Plans to identify and recommend improvements to flood warning systems and designed improved networks for the river systems and catchments in which they are located. Several Investment Plans covered multiple councils in a single report.
The resulting Network Investment Plans identified priority locations across Queensland informing future investment in new or upgraded flood warning infrastructure. Since 2017, Council have used the findings of the Investment Plans to support applications for funding. The Bureau have utilised these investment plans to inform a Scoping Study for capital upgrade, maintenance and operations program, asset renewal program and supporting governance arrangements.