Resupply to flood isolated properties
On this page:
During a natural disaster, the Queensland Government will assist isolated individuals with the resupply of essential goods, including food and medical supplies. Isolated properties may include primary producers and smaller towns or outstations that cannot access retail facilities to maintain sufficient levels of essential goods.
What’s the resupply process?
Step | Process |
1 | Isolated properties determine resupply needs and contacts local council |
2 | Local council processes requests for resupply |
3 | Isolated properties place orders for essential items with local suppliers and organise payment |
4 | Local council schedules delivery. Goods received by local outlets, packed, labelled and delivered to local council pick-up points |
5 | Local council arranges delivery to properties |
6 | Local council delivers goods to properties via air or boat. Property owners may need to pickup goods from set location. |
How much does it cost?
As an isolated property resident, it is your responsibility to place your order with the local retailer and pay for your goods.
What can I order?
- Basic foodstuffs (preferably dried, tinned or packaged to last on the shelf)
- Basic cleaners and disinfectants (subject to clearance by carrying agency)
- Baby foods, formula, and nappies
- Medication and medical supplies
- Water and purification treatments
- Dried pet food
- Fuels (if appropriate transportation is available) to ensure continued running of power, heating, lighting, refrigeration etc.
Batteries (subject to clearance by carrying agency).
What can’t I order?
- Chilled and frozen goods, including fresh milk (if refrigerated transportation is unavailable)
- Alcoholic beverages, canned and bottled soft drink
- Tobacco and cigarettes
- Machinery parts
- Entertainment and electrical equipment
- Non-essential or luxury items.
Plan ahead
- It’s important for all Queenslanders to prepare their homes and families before disaster season strikes.
- Know your risk. Familiarise yourself with your local area including historical flood levels, and the location and
duration of flooding. Consider how long you might be isolated. - Prepare your emergency kit with enough supplies to last the duration of any extended flooding. Stock supplies for your family including food, water, fuel, and medications prior to an event. Include items that may be in short supply in an emergency such as frozen foods.
- If you are unable to store enough supplies, find out what support your local council may be able to provide in an emergency.
- Make sure your local council has accurate Global Positioning System (GPS) location details for your home or community.
When flooding strikes, remember...
- Tune in to warnings. Stay connected to information channels including radio and social media for current weather advice and warnings.
- Monitor rising flood waters.
- If it’s flooded, forget it. Don’t attempt to swim or drive across flooded bridges or roads. Water can be deeper and faster flowing than it appears and you never know what’s hidden under the surface.
- Always follow instructions from local authorities and be ready to evacuate if necessary.
- Be aware when travelling in flood conditions. Watch out for hazards such as fallen power lines, fallen trees and debris, broken water and sewage lines, loose materials, and wildlife.
Factsheets - printable (PDF)
Last updated: 07 August 2024. QRA Reference: QRATF/24/4905.