2023 Southern Queensland Bushfires - exceptional circumstances package

About the DRFA exceptional circumstances package

The 2023 Southern Queensland Bushfires recovery operation includes a suite of exceptional circumstances funding packages has been developed to support communities, families, small businesses, primary producers and not-for-profit organisations severely impacted by these events:

  • Southern Queensland Bushfires, 8 September - 7 November 2023

Refer to the DRFA activation summary for this event for the details of the DRFA measures activated for each council. Refer to the exceptional circumstances packages webpages for the eligibility details for each package.


Rural Landholders Recovery Grants - TRC bushfires 2023
$1.5 million for grants of up to $10,000 per application to assist eligible rural landholders in agricultural communities impacted by the Southern Queensland Bushfires 2023.
Agricultural Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers - BRC bushfires 2023
$1.87 million for targeted, specialised resilience officers who will work with industry, local governments and producers from eligible LGAs impacted by the Southern Queensland Bushfires 2023.
$1 million package for Western Downs Regional Council to address emerging recovery needs within their respective communities following the 2023 Southern Queensland Fires.
Destroyed tractor
Grants up to $75,000 are available for eligible bushfire affected primary producers to hire or purchase equipment and materials, clean up and remove debris, replace fencing, and other eligible recovery costs.

Human and Social

Community Health and Wellbeing - BRC bushfires - 2023
$6.2 million to target communities activated for personal hardship assistance and who experienced loss and severe damage of properties following the 2023 Southern Queensland Bushfires.
Mental Health Program - SDRC Bushfires 2023
$2.2 million Mental Health Program will provide individual and family therapeutic care and interventions for people impacted by the 2023 Southern Queensland Bushfires.


Bushfire mitigation 2023 Southern Queensland Bushfires
$500,000 Bushfire Mitigation Package will increase the understanding and implementation of proactive bushfire mitigation strategies