Plant and Equipment - Eligibility assessment

Costs for eligible actual expenditure for the completion of approved scope or eligible activities are reimbursable through the DRFA.

To facilitate the reimbursement of costs for the use of Council Plant & Equipment, the actual incurred cost to Council must demonstrated. The Plant & Equipment assessment reviews Council’s rates to confirm the reimbursable actual costs (eligible component). The Plant and Equipment assessment directly affects the reimbursable costs to Council where Council owned Plant and Equipment is utilised.

This Assessment review will remove the non-reimbursable (ineligible) portion of Council charged rates (e.g. Profit Margin, Risk Allowance).

The whole-of-life cost elements include profit, fixed costs, and variable costs. Please note that fixed costs are incurred regardless of plant use, and variable costs are incremental costs.



Component Description CDO Emergency Works REPA Supporting information required



Opportunity costs (profit) & risk allowance Financial gain established by Council
Fixed costs Finance Cost of interest (where purchased through finance), proportioned per hour
Finance costs (per year)
Fixed costs Registration & CTP Registration & CTP costs per asset
Registration & CTP costs (per year)
Fixed costs Insurance Insurance costs per asset, proportioned per hour
Insurance costs (per year)
Fixed costs Garaging Costs of 'rental space' for garaging fleet,
proportioned per hour
Garaging costs (per year)
Fixed costs Administration overhead Cost of fleet administration,
proportioned per hour
Fleet administration costs (per year)

Variable costs


Operational depreciation Depreciation of plant based on use, proportioned per hour
Purchase date, purchase cost, written down value, residual value, asset life (hours / years), depreciation to-date
Variable costs Fuel Fuel usage costs per asset,
proportioned per hour
Fuel consumption costs (per year)
Variable costs Tyres Replacement of tyres or tracks,
proportioned per hour
Tyre / track costs (per year)

Variable costs


Engine oil consumption


Engine oil consumption costs per asset,
proportioned per hour
Oil consumption costs (per year)
Variable costs Scheduled maintenance Scheduled maintenance,
proportioned per hour
Scheduled maintenance costs (per year)

Checklist - Other required supporting information

  • general ledger rate
  • utilisation report (by asset, hours to-date & by year)
  • current asset value of depot
  • current total value of all fleet
  • administration cost for depot operations

Steps to update the Plant & Equipment assessment

  1. Download, complete and save the Plant Information Template (below).
  2. Email the completed template to and Cc your Regional Liaison Officer
  3. Respond to any queries for additional data or clarification requests.
  4. Finalise the Plant & Equipment assessment.
  5. Once the rate eligibility has been established, it is used to assess reimbursement rates for the use of council owned Plant & Equipment as claimed in CDO, EW, IRW and REPA submissions.

More information

  • For DRFA guidance material please refer to the DRFA Toolbox resources
  • For queries about doing the Plant & Equipment eligibility assessment please contact your Regional Liaison Officer