Flood website
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About the flood website
The Queensland Government Flood Website at www.qld.gov.au/flood acts as a source of truth and gateway so that Queenslanders can easily find reliable information about flood. It has flood information suitable for the general public, and a dedicated section of more detailed and technical flood information for councils and flood practitioners.
The flood website is designed to present clear sections that can guide website users to information to:
- be flood aware
- prepare for floods
- understand flood warnings and alerts (and how to find council disaster dashboards)
- find flood assistance and recovery information.
The section for councils and flood practitioners allows for easy access to:
- flood resources
- flood data
- flood maps where available
- information about the latest flood initiatives in Queensland.
View the flood website at:

Project background
The Queensland Government Flood Website has been delivered by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) as an initiative to deliver on QRA's responsibilities under the Queensland Flood Risk Management Framework (QFRMF) which sets the direction for flood risk management statewide, outlines roles and responsibilities, and guides and support decision-making by councils.
The Queensland Government Flood Website uses the official Queensland Government website franchise model and a network of state agency web and communication teams to ensure Queensland's flood related content uses consistent messaging that is coordinated, current, and provides a consistent user experience with easy-to-find information, and links to partner agency content.
For consistent messaging about floods, the Queensland Government encourages links from council and organisational web pages as appropriate to the flood website.
Content partners
- Bureau of Meteorology
- Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
- Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy
- Department of Education
- Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
- Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
- Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
- Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
- Department of State Development and Infrastructure
- Department of Transport and Main Roads
- Flood Community of Practice
- Get Ready Queensland
- Insurance Council of Australia (ICA)
- Legal Aid Queensland
- Local Government Association Queensland
- Office of the Information Commissioner
- Office of the Inspector-General Emergency Management
- Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)
- Queensland Fire Department
- Queensland Health
- Queensland Police Service
- Queensland Reconstruction Authority
- State Emergency Services
- Smart Service Queensland.
Feedback about the Queensland Government Flood Website is welcome.
The Queensland Government Flood Website is a whole-of-government initiative to support comprehensive and consistent flood messaging for all Queenslanders. Coordination of the website is managed by the QRA Hazard and Risk Unit (Flood Risk Management team).