Flood risk metrics

Supporting measurable improvements in flood risk management

The Queensland Flood Risk Management Framework (QFRMF) sets the direction for flood risk management statewide, outlines roles and responsibilities, and guides and support decision-making by councils.

Five metrics have been developed to support measuring improvements in flood risk management and resilience for all Queensland communities. Each metric seeks to capture aspirations of Flood Risk Management (FRM) practices prescribed under the QFRMF. The metrics have been developed by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) in consultation with stakeholders.

These metrics have been measured for all local government areas statewide to develop the 2020-2021 baseline metrics report. Annual progress reports are reported against the baseline metrics and presented to the newly-appointed State Recovery and Resilience Group. The first report focuses on projects and funding  delivered between 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.

QFRMF Metrics

Metric 1 - Annual investment in flood risk management

Metric aspiration
Increase in the investment in preparing for and preventing the detrimental impacts of flooding on our communities.


  • M1a: Annual investment (AUD$) in flood risk management, by source agency.
  • M1b: Percentage of M1a which was allocated following an event.

Metric 1 captures the funding approved for flood risk management activities across the state. This metric is informed by QRA administered grant and funding programs (listed in Table 2) and only includes investment in FRM projects and activities that aim to prevent and/or prepare for flooding. It also differentiates this investment from that targeted at response and recovery.

Funding arrangementsSourceFunding timeframeReport
Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund (QRRRF)State / Commonwealth2 yearsBaseline
Managing Disaster Risk program (MDR)Commonwealth2 yearsBaseline
Queensland Betterment ProgramState / Commonwealth2 yearsBaseline
National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program (NFMIP)Commonwealth2 yearsBaseline
LiDAR State Program - State - Ongoing - BaselineStateongoingBaseline
Get Ready Queensland Funding Program (GRQ)State1 yearFirst annual report
Preparing Australian Communities Program (PACP)Commonwealth3 yearsFirst annual report
Emergency Response Fund (ERF) - ERF 75MCommonwealth2 yearsFirst annual report
North Queensland Natural Disasters Mitigation Program (NQNDMP)State / Commonwealth1.5 yearsFirst annual report
North Queensland Recovery and Resilience Grants (NQRRG) Commonwealth3 yearsFirst annual report
Disaster Ready Fund (DRF)  Commonwealth3 yearsThird annual report
Metric 2 - Risk-based land use planning

Metric aspiration
Land use planning decisions consider natural hazards and mitigate risks as far as practicable to ensure long-term sustainability of our communities


  • M2a: Number of councils with SPP2017 compliant local planning scheme
  • M2b: Area of residential zoned land within the QFAO 1% AEP extent

This metric captures the number of councils with a local planning scheme which is considered consistent with the risk-based planning principles outlined in the State Planning Policy 2017 (SPP). The SPP defines matters of state interest in land-use planning and development, of which Natural Hazards Risk and Resilience is one. Guidance to support the implementation of the SPP discusses the use of a risk-based assessment considering both current and future climate conditions and future urban growth plans. 

Metric 2b captures the percentage of residential-zoned land within the 1% flood extent, which is defined by the existing state-wide Queensland Floodplain Assessment Overlay (QFAO). Where QFAO data does not exist (most notably in South East Queensland), Councils were asked to provide the analysis using their 1% AEP flood extent. Some councils were unable to provide such information, resulting in the data being incomplete, mostly for remote and rural areas. 

Metric 3 - Flood study coverage

Metric aspiration
Flood risk is understood for current and future conditions


  • M3a
    • LGAs consists of no level 3 flood studies
    • LGAs  that have some level 3 flood studies with some gaps
    • LGAs with Full coverage of level 3 flood studies
  • M3b: Value (AUD$) of investment in flood studies that year

This metrics seeks to capture the percentage area of habitable floodplains within a Local Government Area (LGA) covered by contemporary flood studies. Habitable floodplain is defined as populated places of an urban settlement (town or city) and the population indicated by ABS Census 2011 figures. A contemporary flood study utilises 2-dimensional hydrodynamic flood modelling software with a version of that software no older than five years, along with hydrological inputs that were generated using the latest ARR2019 guidelines. For this metrics, a Level 3 flood study is considered to be a contemporary flood study.

QRA currently has limited access to local flood study data, as such, reporting will be limited to the available data. Ideally future reports will expand to cover the full extent of flood studies undertaken in Queensland, as more data is shared with the state government (in accordance with the expectations articulated in the QFRMF).

Metric 4 - Accessible flood information

Metric aspiration
Flood information is publicly available and accessible


  • M4a: Number of councils providing GIS and PDF outputs of flood studies on their website
  • M4b: Number of councils with property level information portals
  • M4c: Number of councils with disaster dashboards

This metric captures the number of councils that provide key flood awareness information on their public websites. Under the QFRMF, responsibility for flood risk management and flood awareness information generally rests with local governments, as they are the major service provider to communities and are responsible for managing local development.

Flood awareness information for this metric is sourced through desktop research of council’s websites and subsequent council engagement. The metric focuses on the provision of the flood studies, property level information portals, and disaster dashboards.

Metric 5 – Flood warning Infrastructure

Metric aspiration
Queensland has a best practice network to prepare for and respond to flooding


  • M5a: Total number of river and rain assets for the primary purpose of flood warning
  • M5b: Percentage of M5a which are automatic gauges
  • M5c: Number of councils utilising a flood intelligence system
  • M5d: Number of gauges that underwent a change in flood class levels under BoM’s annual review
  • M5e: Total number of new assets (signs, cameras, gauges) installed that year through grant funding
  • M5f: Total number of creek assets for flood warning purposes for under 6 hours

This metric captures improvements made to Queensland’s flood warning infrastructure network. In Queensland, flood warning infrastructure assets are owned and operated by more than 60 entities including state and local government, the private sector, and the Bureau of Meteorology.

For Metrics 5a, b, and d, flood warning infrastructure is sourced from the Bureau of  Meteorology’s Service Level Specification (SLS) for Flood Forecasting and Warning Services for Queensland. Gaps in the data for Metrics 5f is due to not a having centralised database for non-SLS assets, in particular to the application of alternative assets for under 6 hr warning.

Metrics Baseline Report 2020–2021

The Queensland Flood Risk Management Framework (QFRMF) Metrics Baseline Report provides data on activities undertaken between 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. Progress will be measured against this baseline annually to monitor change in Flood Risk Management (FRM) practices prescribed under the QFRMF.

Annual and Trends Reports

The following annual and trends report can be accessed below as downloadable reports: 

Data sources

The data sourced for the Flood Risk Metrics involved both qualitative and quantitative analysis, and included desktop studies, analysis of existing datasets, and engagements with councils. The QRA notes there are some limitations in the amount of local data available in some local government areas, in particular for flood studies, councils local planning and land use, and the use of flood intelligence systems.

For queries about the flood risk metrics project please email the QRA Flood Risk Management team via floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au