2019 Queensland Bushfires - Recovery operation
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Event summary
The Queensland Bushfires, September - December 2019 event in Queensland was catastrophic. At the height of the season, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) was dealing with more than 90 bushfires at one time. More than seven and a half million hectares burnt statewide, resulting in the activation of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for 23 Local Government Areas (LGAs).
State Recovery Plan
In collaboration with the State Recovery Coordinator, state agencies and local councils, QRA has developed the Queensland Bushfires State Recovery Plan 2019-2022 to guide recovery of the community impacted by the Queensland Bushfires, September - December 2019 event that caused widespread damage across parts of Queensland. It focuses on locally-led initiatives that support the rebuilding of health and emotional wellbeing of those impacted by the disaster, as well as infrastructure, local economies and the environment. The Australian and Queensland Governments also jointly funded a $20 million package under Category C of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) to further support Queensland communities in their recovery from the bushfires.
Funding assistance and exceptional circumstances package
Local Recovery Plans
The following eight event specific local recovery plans were prepared and endorsed by councils for the Queensland Bushfires, September - December 2019 event:

Recovery reporting
This report outlines progress against the objectives in the recovery plans for local governments and the Functional Recovery Groups (FRGs) for the Queensland Bushfires, September - December 2019 event.