Environmental Investigations Program (Procurement)


The $1.5 million Environmental Investigations Program will identify environmental impacts from the 2022-23 Northern and Central Queensland Monsoon and Flooding event.

Queensland’s Department of Environment and Science will coordinate the stakeholder engagement process to understand damage across the region, the values and people associated with the ecosystem of the north-west, and the connection of impacts to the floods.  

This approach is a significant and important component to enable recovery decisions to be made using the best available knowledge.

Outcomes will see a greater understanding of the management intervention needs for recovery.

Program stages

The overall $15 million Environmental Recovery Program will be delivered over two stages. 

$1.5 million Environmental Investigations Program will be delivered in Stage 1.

StageProgram componentsFundingStatus
1Environmental Investigations Program (Procurement$1.5 millionIn delivery
2Clean Up and Invasive Species Management Program$3 millionIn delivery
3Biodiversity and Riverine Recovery Program$7 millionIn delivery
4National Park Recovery Program $3.5 millionIn delivery

Eligible councils

•    Boulia Shire Council
•    Burke Shire Council
•    Carpentaria Shire Council
•    Cloncurry Shire Council
•    Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council
•    Mornington Shire Council
•    Mount Isa City Council

Funding acknowledgement

The $1.5 million Environmental Investigations Program is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments to support Queensland communities in their recovery from Northern and Central Queensland Monsoon and Flooding, 20 December 2022 - 30 April 2023.

Administering agency

Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA)

Delivery agency

Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI)

Media statement


Last updated: 3 December 2024.  QRA Reference: QRATF/24/7611.