Queensland Disaster Resilience Fund (QDRF)

About the QDRF (2018-19)

The Queensland Disaster Resilience Fund (QDRF) was announced in 2018 to support projects to strengthen the resilience of Queensland communities and help them better prepare for disasters.

In the 2018-19 financial year, $9.5 million was committed, with 62 successful projects including bushfire mitigation measures such as fire breaks, riverbank stabilisation, flood modelling and mapping, evacuation centre upgrades, and reducing disaster risk for people with disabilities.


 The QDRF was administered by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.


The Queensland Disaster Resilience Fund (QDRF) has been completed.

Delivered projects

StatewideAustralian Red Cross SocietyThe Pillowcase Project – Building children’s resilience to disasters$333,337
StatewideDepartment of CommunitiesDisability Inclusive and Disaster Resilient Queensland Communities$437,990
StatewideGIVITCapacity-building GIVIT’s donation portal for Queensland disaster recovery service$119,482
StatewideQueensland Fire and Emergency ServicesDevelopment of bushfire smoke modelling and forecasting for Queensland$65,000
StatewideBrisbane River Strategic Floodplain Management PlanImplementation of the plan to the four local governments of Somerset, Lockyer Valley, Ipswich and Brisbane$2,000,000
Central QueenslandBanana Shire CouncilEstablish BoM flood warning service for Biloela and Jambin$86,400
Central QueenslandCentral Highlands Regional Council
  1. Bluff flood mitigation study
  2. Community resilience education and emergency volunteer recruitment
Central QueenslandGladstone Regional CouncilUxbridge Road to Maude Hill Road fire trail$20,000
Central QueenslandIsaac Regional CouncilGenerator for local disaster coordination centre relocation$24,850
Central QueenslandLivingstone Shire CouncilStrategic fire trails and mitigation activities$125,000
Central QueenslandNorth Burnett Regional CouncilRoss Crossing bridge approaches and rock protection$247,345
Central QueenslandRockhampton Regional CouncilRockhampton Airport precinct levee feasibility study$376,625
Far North QueenslandBurke Shire CouncilBurketown flood risk management study$92,000
Far North QueenslandCarpentaria Shire Council
  1. Flinders River floodplain investigation and assessment
  2. Critters Camp small cell tower
Far North QueenslandCook Shire CouncilAyton radio tower resiliency upgrades$66,175
Far North QueenslandCroydon Shire CouncilInstall flood cameras and river height monitoring$38,570
Far North QueenslandDouglas Shire Council
  1. Automated rain gauges for upper Daintree River and Bloomfield River
  2. Portable flood barriers for Douglas Shire
  3. Automated flooded road warning signage at Barratt Creek Daintree
  4. Portable two-way radio base station for Douglas Shire
Far North QueenslandHope Vale Aboriginal Shire CouncilElim Road resilience project$500,000
Far North QueenslandKowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council
  1. Emergency power supply
  2. Iterra IP satellite system
Far North QueenslandTorres Cape Indigenous Council AllianceIndigenous local government disaster resilience and recovery forum$13,200
Far North QueenslandWujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire CouncilWater, waste water, communications, early warning resiliency project$220,000
Far North QueenslandYarrabah Aboriginal Shire CouncilBukki Road bitumen seal and drainage$160,783
North QueenslandCharters Towers Regional Council
  1. RNAV instrument flight procedure design
  2. Flood monitoring – Clarke River site
North QueenslandGloucester Sports and Recreation Association IncEmergency Communications$59,558
North QueenslandHinchinbrook Shire Council
  1. Orient Road upgrade
  2. Atkinson Pocket Road upgrade
  3. Seymour Road upgrade
North QueenslandMackay Regional CouncilInstallation of a flood camera network$84,975
North QueenslandReef Catchments (Mackay Whitsunday)Improved resilience through fire management planning and coordination$225,720
North QueenslandWhitsunday Regional CouncilWhitsunday critical asset resilience program – Stage 2$31,335
North CoastBurnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource ManagementRiverbank shoreline rehabilitation in Burnett River$220,000
North CoastFraser Coast Regional CouncilThree flood cameras to increase Maryborough flood preparedness$38,790
North CoastGympie Regional CouncilGympie region flood modelling and mapping$565,000
North CoastNoosa Council
  1. Noosa Council flood forecasting system
  2. Installation of permanent tide gauges in lower Noosa River
South East QueenslandSunshine Coast Regional CouncilTelemetered level gauges on Obi Obi Creek, Maleny$2,500
South East QueenslandRedland City CouncilRussell Island (Glendale Road) fire trail design$48,000
Southern QueenslandSomerset Regional CouncilStrengthening Burton’s Bridge, Borallon below Wivenhoe Dam$89,383
Southern QueenslandSouthern Downs Regional CouncilUpgrades to existing fire trails and construction of new trails$129,385
Southern QueenslandDepartment of Environment and Science
  1. Permanent water storage on Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Partnerships - South West Region Estate
  2. Permanent and transportable water storage near Girraween National Park
Western QueenslandBalonne Shire CouncilDisaster recovery, coordination and operational backup power supply$86,260
Western QueenslandBlackall-Tambo Regional Council
  1. Early warning river and rain network expansion
  2. Emergency generators for disaster coordination centres
Western QueenslandBoulia Shire CouncilEmergency generator for disaster coordination centre$42,541
Western QueenslandBulloo Shire CouncilBurke and Wills Bridge approaches – reconstruction, road pavement and drainage improvements$240,614
Western QueenslandCloncurry Shire Council
  1. Staging shed for community recovery activities
  2. Survival kit
Western QueenslandDiamantina Shire CouncilBirdsville Hall switchboard upgrade$60,000
Western QueenslandLongreach Regional Council
  1. Upgrading the existing Ilfracombe evacuation centre
  2. Disaster management coordination centre improvements
Western QueenslandMaranoa Regional CouncilMinor local drainage in Mitchell$375,000
Western QueenslandParoo Shire CouncilBlack Gate Road floodways$141,060
Western QueenslandSouth West Queensland Local Government AssociationRegional disaster resilience officer$310,817
Western QueenslandWinton Shire CouncilOld Landsborough Highway replace concrete floodway$184,077


Media statement


For queries, please contact your QRA Regional Liaison Officer or email grants@qra.qld.gov.au

(QRA Reference: QRA2084)