Environmental Recovery - $38.9 million


The Environmental Recovery Program aims to improve the condition of the catchments and associated ecological processes and contribute to riverine recovery, weed and pest management, biodiversity conservation and protect environmental assets:

  • Riverine Recovery - $32.75 million: Grants for NRM bodies, bulk water supply utilities, and not-for-profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations to facilitate riverine recovery
  • Weed and Pest Management - $1.85 million: Comprising $1 million in grants available for NRM bodies, bulk water supply utilities, and not for profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations to facilitate riverine recovery outside of National Parks. Department of Environment and Science (DES) is also utilising $850,000 in funding to manage weed and pest control activities in National Parks
  • Biodiversity Conservation - $3.5 million: Grants for state agencies, non-government organisations, community and Indigenous groups to assist recovery needs of marine and freshwater threatened species and their habitats across impacted LGAs and adjacent marine areas. Some of these species include dugong, marine turtles, the Mary River Cod, Mary River Turtle, White Throated Snapping turtle and the Australian lungfish
  • Environmental Assets - $800,000: For private landowners and community groups to apply for grant monies to facilitate recovery of places of historical heritage and Nature Refuges


This program is currently underway. Successful applicants have been announced for the Riverine Recovery (Stages 1 and 2) and Weed and Pest Management components of the program.

More information is available at:

Administering agencies

  • Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI)
  • Biosecurity Queensland
  • Department of Primary Industries (DPI)
  • Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA)

Eligible applicants

  • State agencies
  • Local governments
  • Natural Resource Management bodies
  • Non-government organisations
  • Community groups
  • Private landholders

In the Local Government Areas (LGAs) activated for assistance following the Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, and Southern Queensland Flooding events.

Funding acknowledgement

$38.9 million jointly funded (50:50) by the Queensland and Australian Governments under Category D of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Media statements