Small Business Recovery and Resilience - $14.5 million
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The small business support package aims to alleviate the stresses, enhance wellness and address mental health issues resulting from the recent flooding as well as provide recovery support across impacted regions.
The package will provide small business support services, funds for recovery-related projects and a campaign to encourage consumers to shop locally within disaster impacted communities:
- Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) - $10 million: A funding round for community-based organisations in flood affected areas to undertake recovery-related projects
- Small Business Support Service - $2 million: Dedicated to flood-affected small business owners providing free, independent case management with mental health support
- Buy Local/Go Local campaign - $2.5 million: To encourage consumers to shop and visit locally within disaster impacted communities
This program is currently being delivered by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.
Through the $10 million SQW component of the package, 26 projects have been approved and 18 community-based organisations supported to deliver Work Skills Traineeships, which will create more than 500 job opportunities.
Administering agencies
Department of Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business (DCSODSFB) and Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET)
Eligible applicants
Small businesses in the Local Government Areas (LGAs) activated for small business assistance following the Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding and Southern Queensland Flooding events.
Funding acknowledgement
$14.5 million jointly funded (50:50) by the Queensland and Australian Governments under Category C of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
More information
Media statements
Page last updated 3 December 2024