Flexible Funding Grants - $20 million


Flexible Funding Grants support local recovery and resilience building activities for communities impacted by flood events in 2021-2022.

Grants assist communities to:

  • Reduce future risks to natural disasters
  • Promote connectedness and encourage support networks and social inclusion
  • Support and promote opportunities for sustainable economic recovery
  • Support business and service provider continuity
  • Promote preparedness and resilience to future disasters

Previous Flexible Funding Grants have supported community awareness and education programs, resilience plans, community infrastructure upgrades, and events to build community cohesion.


The first round of Flexible Funding Grants delivered more than $2.2 million for over 40 recovery and resilience projects.

The $16.7 million second and final round of funding is now closed, with successful applicants to be announced in the second half of 2023.

Administering agency

Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers (DLGWV)

Eligible applicants

  • Local governments
  • Non-government organisations
  • Community groups
  • Industry groups and peak bodies
  • Research organisation

Within the local government areas (LGAs) activated for assistance following these events:

More information on eligible LGAs can be found here: www.qra.qld.gov.au/disaster-funding-activations/activations

Funding acknowledgement

$20 million over two rounds jointly funded (50:50) by the Queensland and Australian Governments under Category C of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

More information 

Visit the Queensland Government's Flexible Funding Grants webpage: www.chde.qld.gov.au/about/initiatives/category-c-funding

Media statements