Medium to Large Business Recovery Loans - $150 million


This loan scheme will support medium to large businesses, including primary producers, related agricultural businesses, and other businesses critical to their supply chain severely impacted by eligible disaster events in 2021-2022.


This program is currently underway. 

Administering agency

Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA). 

Eligible applicants

Eligible medium to large businesses that have suffered direct damage to a property, building, plant, equipment or stock in Local Government Areas (LGAs) activated for assistance following the Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding and Southern Queensland Flooding events..

Funding acknowledgement

$150 million jointly funded (50:50) by the Queensland and Australian Governments under Category D of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).