Mental Health Program - 2023 Tropical Cyclone Jasper
The $4.609 million Mental Health Program will fund Queensland Health to provide individual and family therapeutic interventions for impacted people, with particular attention paid to vulnerable people displaced from their home, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, following the Tropical Cyclone Jasper, Associated Rainfall and Flooding, 13 – 28 December 2023 event.
The Mental Health Program includes:
Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (HHS) Workforce Package - $1.258m
This package will provide additional resources to build staff capacity and capability to respond to current and future disasters.
Child and Family Mental Health Recovery Support - $0.582m
Children’s Health Queensland provides information and resources to support children and families going through natural disasters and disruptive events.
Disaster Recovery Support - Torres and Cape HHS - $2.438m
This program focuses on delivery of locally and community led trauma informed programs in impacted communities to support disaster recovery.
Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs – Strategy and Planning Branch - $0.331
This program will provide support to Child and Family Mental Health Recovery.
Queensland Health will deliver the Mental Health Program in the following council areas within the Cairns and Hinterland and Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Services:
• Cairns Regional Council
• Cassowary Coast Regional Council
• Cook Shire Council
• Douglas Shire Council
• Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council
• Mareeba Shire Council
• Tablelands Shire Council
• Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council
• Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council
Funding acknowledgement
The package is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments to support Queensland communities in their recovery from the Tropical Cyclone Jasper, 13 - 28 December 2023 event.
Administering agency
Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA)
Delivery agency
Queensland Health
Media statement