Local Recovery and Resilience Grants - 2023 Tropical Cyclone Jasper


$9 million of  Local Recovery and Resilience Grants are available to eligible local councils significantly impacted by 
Tropical Cyclone Jasper, 13 - 28 December 2023 in Far North Queensland. Funding will help councils address economic, social and community recovery needs and support future resilience measures. 

Eligible councils

  • Cairns Regional Council
  • Cassowary Coast Regional Council
  • Cook Shire Council
  • Douglas Shire Council
  • Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council
  • Mareeba Shire Council
  • Tablelands Regional Council
  • Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council
  • Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council

Funding acknowledgement

The $9 million  package is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments to support Queensland communities in their recovery from Tropical Cyclone Jasper, 13 - 28 December 2023 .

Administering agency

Queensland Reconstruction Authority


Application form


Phone: (07) 3740 1700

Email: Submissions@qra.qld.gov.au

QRA Reference: QRA3718.