Key dates
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This guidance summarises the timeframe requirements that apply to claims for funding under the joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) relief measures, Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (REPA), Emergency Works (EWK) and Immediate Reconstruction Works (IRW).
Eligible timeframes REPA, EWK & IRW?
What timeframes apply to EWK and IRW funding?
Timeframes | Emergency Works (EWK) | Immediate Reconstruction Works (EWK) |
Key dates for evidence | Pre-disaster asset condition evidence collected:
| Pre-disaster asset condition evidence collected:
Due date for completing works | Post disaster evidence collected after the event and prior to, or while undertaking EWK. | Post disaster evidence must be collected after the disaster and prior to or while undertaking EW or IRW on the asset/s. |
Due date to submissions to QRA | EWK works must be completed within three months from the impact of the event, or from when the essential public asset becomes accessible. Evidence must be provided to support reasons for delays in accessing the asset. | IRW works must be completed within three months from the impact of the event, or from when the essential public asset becomes accessible. Evidence must be provided to support reasons for delays in accessing the asset. Completion photos demonstrating the completed scope of IRW works must be provided. |
All EWK and IRW submissions are to be lodged to QRA within three months from the end of the financial year (by 30 September) in which the works commenced. Where the works fall across two financial years (i.e. commence late one financial year and are completed early the following financial year) the submission is to include all expenditure for the works completed up to 30 September, and should be lodged as soon as practicable as agreed with QRA. |

What timeframes apply to REPA funding?
Timeframes | Details |
Pre-event asset condition evidence eligible timeframe | Pre-disaster asset condition evidence collected:
Post-event asset damage evidence eligible timeframe | Post disaster evidence must be collected as soon as practicable, and by the earliest of:
Due date to lodge awarded Market Prices to QRA: | Within nine months after the end of the FY of the event (i.e. by 31 March). |
Due date to lodge all REPA submissions and estimate updates | All REPA submissions, including the awarded market prices must be lodged with QRA within nine months after the end of the FY of the event (i.e. by 31 March). |
Delivery progress reporting timeframe | Monthly progress reporting is required throughout delivery, including status of approved reconstruction works, dates, expenditure and variances. |
Completion timeframe | All REPA works must be completed within 24 months after the end of the FY of the event (by 30 June). Completion photos demonstrating the claimed scope of IRW works must be provided. |
Due date to lodge REPA acquittals | All REPA submissions must be acquitted within three months after the end of the FY when the works were completed (by 30 September). |

The Queensland Disaster Funding Guidelines (QDFG), Section 9 detail the essential public asset eligibility criteria, plus data, photo and other evidence required when claiming funding under the DRFA REPA, EWK or IRW.
Where any of the above timeframes cannot be met, applicants are required to email their QRA Regional Liaison Officer before the due date to provide the reason the timeframe will not be met, as well as the proposed extension of time request, for approval.
References and tools | QRA website:
Need help? | Contact your QRA Regional Liaison Officer (RLO) |
Note: Where there are inconsistencies between this guidance, the Australian Government DRFA and the QDFG Guidelines, the DRFA will prevail.
Last reviewed: January 2025.