Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) - Submission overview

This guidance provides local governments and state agencies a quick overview of standard joint Commonwealth/State funded funding relief measures that may be activated as assistance towards the cost of responding to, and recovering from eligible disasters.

Counter Disaster Operations (CDO)
CDO DetailsCounter Disaster Operations

CDO activities are activities undertaken by local governments and state agencies responding to a disaster event to:

  • reduce personal hardship and distress caused by the event and or
  • address the immediate emergency needs of individuals impacted by the event and or
  • ensure public safety and protect the general public from the disaster event.
Detailed requirements
  • Queensland Disaster Funding Guidelines (QDFG) Section 4, Activation process & Section 8, CDO
  • DRFA 2018 and Guideline 2 Counter Disaster Operations
CDO funding readiness

Are your systems and processes ready before a disaster occurs to meet the CDO requirements and track costs and activities to each disaster event?

CDO submissions must be lodged as claims for the reimbursement of actual extraordinary costs of CDO activities completed within a financial year (FY), in direct response to each eligible disaster.

Eligible timeframes

CDO activities must be completed:

  • immediately before,
  • during or
  • immediately after the DRFA eligible disaster event.
Submission requirements

Use the CDO Submission form and the QDFG guidelines to ensure your systems and processes are ready to collect the required data and evidence as you deliver CDO activities, including:

  • details of the CDO activities undertaken in response to each eligible disaster - what and why the CDO activity was needed, where, and actual costs with justification against CDO criteria
  • detailed general ledger or transaction report detailing all expenditure being claimed.
  • internal costing/payroll reports for extraordinary internal plant/payroll costs claimed (timesheets to be available for sampling)
  • resources required (e.g. staff & roles, and if backfilling, staff & role of the officer being backfilled)
  • tax invoices for external expenditure (to be available on request for sampling)
  • Queensland agency corporate card/travel and accommodation report.
Due date for lodging claimsSubmissions are to be lodged within three months from end of FY in which the CDO activities were completed (i.e. by 30 September), regardless of when the invoice was paid.
Approval and payment
  • CDO is assessed and approved as a reimbursement of the actual extraordinary expenditure of completed eligible CDO activities
  • 100% of eligible funding is paid on approval
  • Project Funding Agreement execution is required.
ReportingTo inform QRA’s annual acquittal of DRFA funding to the Commonwealth, CDO activated councils and state agencies will be asked to report on the anticipated number and value of CDO submissions to be lodged.
Reference and tools
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Emergency Works (EWK)
EWK DetailsEmergency Works

Emergency Works (EWK) funding is activated under Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (REPA). A council’s estimated cost of damage to eligible assets must exceed its trigger point to be eligible to activate or apply for REPA, EWK or Immediate Reconstruction Works funding.

EWK are temporary works completed by councils & state agencies to:

  • urgently clean up or repair eligible essential public assets impacted by an eligible disaster
  • enable the eligible assets to operate or be operated at a reasonable level of efficiency and
  • enable assets to support the immediate recovery of the community after an eligible disaster.
Detailed requirements

QDFG Section 4, Activation process and Section 9, relief measures for essential public assets 

DRFA 2018 and Guideline 1 Essential Public Asset

EWK funding readiness

Are your systems and processes ready before a disaster occurs to meet the EWK requirements and track costs to the emergency works you complete on assets that have been impacted by a future disaster event? Are you ready to gather the required data, post event damage photos and financial evidence while you are undertaking the emergency works?

EWK submissions must be lodged as claims for the reimbursement of actual costs of emergency works completed within a financial year (FY) in direct response to each eligible disaster event.

Refer to QRA’s pre-season checklist

Eligible timeframes

Emergency works:

  • may be undertaken during the event and
  • must be completed within three months from the event, or by exception, from when the asset becomes accessible. Applicants must provide information on asset accessibility to support works completed more than three months from the event.
Submission requirements

Use the EWK Submission form and the QDFG to ensure your systems and processes are ready to collect the required post event photos, data and evidence as you deliver emergency works. Requirements include:

  • descriptions of event impact /damage to eligible assets and the emergency works completed by asset name & location, start and end dates, geo tagged post event photos / visual evidence demonstrating the impact of the event on the claimed assets and the need for the EWK, and costs linked to the detailed general ledger
  • one asset per line, per EWK activity, or where multiple assets are claimed under one EWK activity, list the asset names, attach GEO tagged photos labelled with asset name and date taken
  • detailed General Ledger or transaction report displaying all expenditure being claimed
  • internal costing/payroll reports for internal plant/payroll costs (timesheets available for sampling)
  • resources required (e.g. staff and roles, and where backfilling details of the officer being backfilled)
  • tax invoices for external expenditure (to be available on request for sampling).
Due date for lodging claimsEWK submissions are to be lodged within three months from end of FY in which the emergency works were started and completed (i.e. by 30 September), regardless of when the invoice was paid. Where works commence late in FY and are completed early the following FY, submissions are to be lodged by 30 October of the FY in which the works were completed.
Approval and payment
  • EWK submissions are assessed and approved as a reimbursement of the actual extraordinary expenditure of completed eligible emergency works on eligible essential public assets
  • 100% of eligible funding is paid on approval (Less local government’s trigger point contribution where applicable)
  • Project Funding Agreement execution is required.
ReportingTo inform QRA’s reporting of DRFA funding to the Commonwealth, REPA activated councils and state agencies will be asked to report to QRA on anticipated number and value of EWK, IRW and REPA submissions to be lodged.
Reference and tools
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Immediate Reconstruction Works (IRW)
IRW DetailsImmediate Reconstruction Works

Reconstruction Works (IRW) funding is activated under REPA. A council’s estimated damage costs to eligible assets must exceed its trigger point to be eligible to request activation of and apply for funding under DRFA REPA, EWK or IRW.

IRW is the scope of reconstruction works completed by local government and state agencies to urgently and permanently reconstruct an eligible essential public asset to pre-disaster function, where no further REPA works are required at the asset site.

Detailed requirements
IRW funding readiness

Are your systems and processes ready before a disaster occurs to meet the IRW requirements? Is your Digital Road Network data up to date in your and QRA’s systems? Before commencing any immediate reconstruction works are your systems and people ready to gather the required pre and post event evidence and asset location data, track costs to the scope, plus photo evidence demonstrating the completed works?

IRW submissions must be lodged as claims for reimbursement of the actual costs of a detailed scope of works completed to reconstruct an eligible asset damaged by an eligible disaster.

Refer to QRA’s pre-season checklist

Eligible timeframes
  • IRW works must be completed within three months from the event or, by exception from when the essential public asset becomes accessible. Applicants must provide information on asset accessibility to support works completed more than three months from the event.
  • Post event damage assessment evidence must be collected after the event and before undertaking the IRW scope.
Submission requirements

Use the IRW Submission form, QDFG and QRA Treatment Guide to ensure your systems and processes are ready to collect the required photos, data and evidence as you scope, plan, cost and deliver IRW works. Submission requirements include:

  • asset name/s and location data, photo evidence demonstrating pre and post disaster condition of asset, and the exact locations (chainages / coordinates), nature and extent of event damage.
  • damage and treatment location chainages / coordinates mapped to your digital road network data
  • site details, scope of works, quantities & costs of each treatment completed to permanently restore the asset to pre-disaster function
  • completion photos demonstrating the completed scope of works
  • detailed General Ledger or detailed transaction report displaying all expenditure claimed
  • Internal costing/payroll reports for plant/payroll costs claimed (timesheets available for sampling)
  • resourcing costs / staff roles, and if backfilling the reason and details of the officer being backfilled)
  • tax invoices for external expenditure (to be available on request for sampling).
Due dates for lodging submissionsSubmissions are to be lodged within three months from the end of the FY in which the works commenced (by 30 September). Where eligible works fall across two financial years (i.e. commence late one FY and completed early the following FY) the submission is to include all expenditure for the works completed up to 30 September, and should be lodged as soon as practicable as agreed with QRA.
Approval and payment
  • IRW is assessed and approved as a reimbursement of the actual extraordinary cost of completed eligible IRW scope of works.
  • 100% of eligible funding is paid on approval (less a council’s trigger point contribution where applicable)
  • Project Funding Agreement execution is required.
ReportingREPA activated local governments and state agencies are required to report to QRA on anticipated number and value of EWK, IRW and REPA submissions to be lodged.
Reference and tools
Need help?Contact your QRA Regional Liaison Officer (RLO)
Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (REPA)
REPA detailsReconstruction of Essential Public Assets

REPA funding relief may be activated to assist local governments and state agencies with the costs of reconstructing event damaged essential public assets. A local government’s estimated damage costs to eligible assets must exceed its trigger point to be eligible to request REPA activation and apply for funding under DRFA REPA, EWK or IRW. REPA submissions are developed, lodged and approved based on:

  • scope of reconstruction works required to restore eligible essential public assets directly damaged by an eligible disaster and
  • estimated reconstruction costs to complete those works.
Detailed requirements
Eligible timeframes

Post event damage assessments & geo tagged photo evidence must be collected within 12 months after the eligible disaster, or within nine months (by 31 March) following the FY in which the disaster occurred

Pre-disaster asset condition evidence: date collected may be up to four years prior to the event (local governments or up to two years prior to the event (state agencies).

Lodgement due date: All REPA scope and tendered market prices must be lodged within nine months (by 31 March) following the FY in which the disaster occurred. Note – this includes lodging Estimate Updates (EU) to vary approved submissions’ scope or market price values.
Completion timeframe: All approved REPA submission works must be completed within 24 months after the end of the FY in which the disaster occurred.
Acquittal due date: All REPA close-out submissions and completion evidence are to be lodged within three months following the FY (i.e. by September 30) in which works were completed.
Submission requirements

Use the REPA Submission form, QDFG and QRA Treatment Guide to ensure your systems and processes are ready to undertake post event damage assessments, build scope and lodge submissions that meet the DRFA requirements. This includes:

  • damage assessment details, data and evidence demonstrating the exact locations, nature and extent of damage to eligible assets caused directly by the eligible disaster
  • damage and treatment location chainages / coordinates mapped to your digital road network data
  • pre and post disaster condition evidence linking the claimed damage to the asset to the relevant event
  • proposed treatments, quantities required to reconstruct event damaged assets to pre-disaster function
  • preferred delivery/estimate method either Benchmark Rates or Market Price at each line item
Approval and payment
  • REPA is assessed and approved as a Recommended Value (RV) based on the estimated reconstruction costs to deliver the assessed eligible scope of works.
  • Once approved, 30% of the RV is paid as an advance. Local government trigger points apply to payments.
  • Project Funding Agreement execution is required.
Progress reporting and progress payments
  • Once submission scope and estimates are approved, applicants are required to lodge monthly progress reports on delivery of approved scope, time and costs, and reasons for variances.
  • Progress payment claims may be lodged for assessment and approval, once actual costs exceed paid to date and the project funding agreement is executed. Progress claims must be lodged with a progress report and a detailed general ledger evidencing the reported expenditure.
AcquittalREPA Close-out requirements: Applicants must lodge a Final Progress Report supported by evidence of expenditure (detailed general ledger, payroll report) and a detailed close out submission line item data,  reasons for variances, and photo evidence demonstrating the completed scope of works. Timesheets, invoices etc must be available for sampling.
Reference and tools
Need help?Contact your QRA Regional Liaison Officer (RLO)