Publication scheme
Section 21 of the Right to Information Act 2009 sets out the requirement for agencies to publish a publication scheme. QRA's publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from the organisation online and free of charge. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by government. Information is grouped and accessible through seven classes:
1. About us (information on who we are and what we do)
- What we do
- Annual reports
- Board reports
- Board
- Chief Executive Officer
- Governance
- Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011 (external link)
2. Our services (the services we offer)
- Our resilience work
- Our recovery work
- Funding programs
- Disaster funding activations
- Plans, strategies and guides
- Media statements
3. Our finances (what we spend and how we spend it)
4. Our priorities (what our priorities are and how we are doing)
- Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience 2017 and Resilient Queensland implementation plan
- Regional Resilience Strategies
- Flood resilience
- Flood resilience strategies and plans
- Flood warnings and classifications
- Flood risk management
- Flood warning infrastructure
- Investing in resilience
- Queensland Disaster Resilience and Mitigation Investment Framework
- Economic Assessment Framework of Flood Risk Management Projects
- Resilient infrastructure
- Resilient homes building guidance
- Recognising resilience
- Recovery governance
- State Recovery Plans (event specific)
- Recovery operations
- Damage Assessment and Recovery Monitoring
- Recovery collaboration and contacts
- Recovery resources for practitioners
5. Our decisions (how we make decisions)
6. Our policies (our policies and procedures)
- Queensland Government code of conduct
- Complaints Management Policy
- Public Interest Disclosure Procedure
- Privacy statement and Privacy Plan
- Information Privacy Complaints Procedure
7. Our lists (lists and registers)